Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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manipulated figures of the World Health Organization and Johns

Hopkins University. The ‘infection’ to ‘death’ ratio is 0.23 to 0.15

percent according to Stanford epidemiologist Dr John Ioannidis and

while estimates vary the danger remains tiny. I say that if the truth

be told the fake infection to fake death ratio is zero. Never mind all

the evidence I have presented here and in The Answer that there is no

‘virus’ let us just focus for a moment on that death-rate figure of say

0.23 percent. The figure includes all those worldwide who have

tested positive with a test not testing for the ‘virus’ and then died

within 28 days or even longer of any other cause – any other cause.

Now subtract all those illusory ‘Covid’ deaths on the global data

sheets from the 0.23 percent. What do you think you would be le

with? Zero. A vaccination has never been successfully developed for

a so-called coronavirus. They have all failed at the animal testing

stage when they caused hypersensitivity to what they were claiming

to protect against and made the impact of a disease far worse. Cultowned

vaccine corporations got around that problem this time by

bypassing animal trials, going straight to humans and making the

length of the ‘trials’ before the public rollout as short as they could

get away with. Normally it takes five to ten years or more to develop

vaccines that still cause demonstrable harm to many people and

that’s without including the long-term effects that are never officially

connected to the vaccination. ‘Covid’ non-vaccines have been

officially produced and approved in a ma er of months from a

standing start and part of the reason is that (a) they were developed

before the ‘Covid’ hoax began and (b) they are based on computer

programs and not natural sources. Official non-trials were so short

that government agencies gave emergency, not full, approval. ‘Trials’

were not even completed and full approval cannot be secured until

they are. Public ‘Covid vaccination’ is actually a continuation of the

trial. Drug company ‘trials’ are not scheduled to end until 2023 by

which time a lot of people are going to be dead. Data on which

government agencies gave this emergency approval was supplied by

the Big Pharma corporations themselves in the form of

Pfizer/BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and

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