Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Notch, Wnt, or Hedgehog encoded by the completely sequenced genome of Arabidopsis

thaliana, the small flowering plant. Similarly, plants do not seem to use

cyclic AMP for intracellular signaling. Nevertheless, the general strategies underlying

signaling are frequently very similar in plants and animals. Both, for example,

use enzyme-coupled cell-surface receptors, as we now discuss.








Receptor Serine/Threonine Kinases Are the Largest Class

of Cell-Surface Receptors in Plants

Most cell-surface receptors in plants are enzyme-coupled. However, whereas

the largest class of enzyme-coupled receptors in animals is the receptor tyrosine

kinase (RTK) class, this type of receptor is extremely rare in plants. Instead,

plants rely largely on a great diversity of transmembrane receptor serine/threonine

kinases, which have a typical serine/threonine kinase cytoplasmic domain and an

extracellular ligand-binding domain. The most abundant types of these receptors

have a tandem array of extracellular leucine-rich repeat structures and are therefore

called leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor kinases.

There are about 175 LRR receptor kinases encoded by the Arabidopsis genome.

These include a protein called Bri1, which forms part of a cell-surface steroid

hormone receptor. Plants synthesize a class of steroids that are called brassinosteroids

because they were originally identified in the mustard family Brassicaceae,

which includes Arabidopsis. These signal molecules regulate the growth and

differentiation of plants throughout their life cycle. Binding of a brassinosteroid

to a Bri1 cell-surface receptor kinase initiates an intracellular signaling cascade

that uses a GSK3 protein kinase and a protein phosphatase to regulate the phosphorylation

and degradation of specific transcription regulatory proteins in the

nucleus, and thereby specific gene transcription. Mutant plants that are deficient

in the Bri1 receptor kinase are insensitive to brassinosteroids and are therefore


The LRR receptor kinases are only one of many classes of transmembrane

receptor serine/threonine kinases in plants. There are at least six additional families,

each with its own characteristic set of extracellular domains. The lectin receptor

kinases, for example, have extracellular domains that bind carbohydrate signal

molecules. The Arabidopsis genome encodes over 300 receptor serine/threonine

kinases, which makes them the largest family of receptors known in plants. Many

are involved in defense responses against pathogens.

Ethylene Blocks the Degradation of Specific Transcription

Regulatory Proteins in the Nucleus

Various plant growth regulators (also called plant hormones) help to coordinate

plant development. They include ethylene, auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, and

abscisic acid, as well as brassinosteroids. Growth regulators are all small molecules

made by most plant cells. They diffuse readily through cell walls and can

either act locally or be transported to influence cells further away. Each growth

regulator can have multiple effects. The specific effect depends on environmental

conditions, the nutritional state of the plant, the responsiveness of the target cells,

and which other growth regulators are acting.

Ethylene is an important example. This small gas molecule (Figure 15–69A)

can influence plant development in various ways; it can, for example, promote

fruit ripening, leaf abscission, and plant senescence. It also functions as a stress

signal in response to wounding, infection, flooding, and so on. When the shoot of

a germinating seedling, for instance, encounters an obstacle, ethylene promotes

a complex response that allows the seedling to safely bypass the obstacle (Figure

15–69B and C).

Plants have various ethylene receptors, which are located in the endoplasmic

reticulum and are all structurally related. They are dimeric, multipass transmembrane

proteins, with a copper-containing ethylene-binding domain and a domain

that interacts with a cytoplasmic protein called CTR1, which is closely related



1 mm

Figure 15–69 The ethylene-mediated

triple response that occurs when the

growing shoot of a germinating seedling

encounters an obstacle underground.

(A) The structure of ethylene. (B) In the

absence of obstacles, the shoot grows

upward and is long and thin. (C) If the

shoot encounters an obstacle, such as

a piece of gravel in the soil, the seedling

responds to the encounter in three ways.

First, it thickens its stem, which can then

exert more MBoC6 force m15.84/15.67

on the obstacle. Second,

it shields the tip of the shoot (at top) by

increasing the curvature of a specialized

hook structure. Third, it reduces the shoot’s

tendency to grow away from the direction

of gravity, so as to avoid the obstacle.

(Courtesy of Melanie Webb.)

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