Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Figure 4–75 A comparison of the structure of one-chain and four-chain

globins. The four-chain globin shown is hemoglobin, which is a complex of

two α-globin and two β-globin chains. The one-chain globin present in some

primitive vertebrates represents an intermediate in the evolution of the four-chain

globin. With oxygen bound it exists as a monomer; without oxygen it dimerizes.

single-chain globin binds

one oxygen molecule

copies have remained active. In many cases, the most obvious functional difference

between the duplicated genes is that they are expressed in different tissues

or at different stages of development. One attractive theory to explain such an end

result imagines that different, mildly deleterious mutations occur quickly in both

copies of a duplicated gene set. For example, one copy might lose expression in

a particular tissue as a result of a regulatory mutation, while the other copy loses

expression in a second tissue. Following such an occurrence, both gene copies

would be required to provide the full range of functions that were once supplied

by a single gene; hence, both copies would now be protected from loss through

inactivating mutations. Over a longer period, each copy could then undergo further

changes through which it could acquire new, specialized features.



on heme









The Evolution of the Globin Gene Family Shows How DNA

Duplications Contribute to the Evolution of Organisms

The globin gene family provides an especially good example of how DNA duplication

generates new proteins, because its evolutionary history has been worked

out particularly well. The unmistakable similarities in amino acid sequence and

structure among the present-day globins indicate that they all must derive from a

common ancestral gene, even though some are now encoded by widely separated

genes in the mammalian genome.

We can reconstruct some of the past events that produced the various types

of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin molecules by considering the different forms of

the protein in organisms at different positions on the tree of life. A molecule like

hemoglobin was necessary to allow multicellular animals to grow to a large size,

since large animals cannot simply rely on the diffusion of oxygen through the

body surface to oxygenate their tissues adequately. But oxygen plays a vital part in

the life of nearly all living organisms, and oxygen-binding proteins homologous to

hemoglobin can be recognized even in plants, fungi, and bacteria. In animals, the

most primitive oxygen-carrying molecule is a globin polypeptide chain of about

150 amino acids that is found in many marine worms, insects, and primitive fish.

The hemoglobin molecule in more complex vertebrates, however, is composed of

two kinds of globin chains. It appears that about 500 million years ago, during the

continuing evolution of fish, a series of gene mutations and duplications occurred.

These events established two slightly different globin genes in the genome of each

individual, coding for α- and β-globin chains that associate to form a hemoglobin

molecule consisting of two α chains and two β chains (Figure 4–75). The four oxygen-binding

sites in the α 2 β 2 molecule interact, allowing a cooperative allosteric

change in the molecule as it binds and releases oxygen, which enables hemoglobin

to take up and release oxygen more efficiently than the single-chain version.

Still later, during the evolution of mammals, the β-chain gene apparently

underwent duplication and mutation to give rise to a second β-like chain that

is synthesized specifically in the fetus. The resulting hemoglobin molecule has a

higher affinity for oxygen than adult hemoglobin and thus helps in the transfer

of oxygen from the mother to the fetus. The gene for the new β-like chain subsequently

duplicated and mutated again to produce two new genes, ε and γ, the ε

chain being produced earlier in development (to form α 2 ε 2 ) than the fetal γ chain,

which forms α 2 γ 2 . A duplication of the adult β-chain gene occurred still later,

during primate evolution, to give rise to a δ-globin gene and thus to a minor form

of hemoglobin (α 2 δ 2 ) that is found only in adult primates (Figure 4–76).

Each of these duplicated genes has been modified by point mutations that

affect the properties of the final hemoglobin molecule, as well as by changes in

regulatory regions that determine the timing and level of expression of the gene.

millions of years ago


four-chain globin binds four

oxygen molecules in a

cooperative manner










a genes e g G g A

MBoC6 m4.86/4.74

d b





separating a

and b genes







Figure 4–76 An evolutionary scheme

for the globin chains that carry oxygen

in the blood of animals. The scheme

emphasizes the β-like globin gene family.

A relatively recent gene duplication of the

γ-chain gene produced γ G and γ A , which

are fetal β-like chains of identical function.

The location of the globin genes in the

human genome is shown at the top of

the figure.

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