Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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488 Chapter 8: Analyzing Cells, Molecules, and Systems

large populations—thousands or tens of thousands of individual organisms—isolating

mutant individuals is much more efficient if one generates mutations with

chemicals or radiation that damage DNA. By treating organisms with such mutagens,

very large numbers of mutant individuals can be created quickly and then

screened for a particular defect of interest, as we discuss shortly.

An alternative approach to chemical or radiation mutagenesis is called insertional

mutagenesis. This method relies on the fact that exogenous DNA inserted

randomly into the genome can produce mutations if the inserted fragment interrupts

a gene or its regulatory sequences. The inserted DNA, whose sequence is

known, then serves as a molecular tag that aids in the subsequent identification

and cloning of the disrupted gene (Figure 8–44). In Drosophila, the use of

the transposable P element to inactivate genes has revolutionized the study of

gene function in the fly. Transposable elements (see Table 5–4, p. 288) have also

been used to generate mutations in bacteria, yeast, mice, and the flowering plant


Genetic Screens Identify Mutants with Specific Abnormalities

Once a collection of mutants in a model organism such as yeast or fly has been

produced, one generally must examine thousands of individuals to find the

altered phenotype of interest. Such a search is called a genetic screen, and the

larger the genome, the less likely it is that any particular gene will be mutated.

Therefore, the larger the genome of an organism, the bigger the screening task

becomes. The phenotype being screened for can be simple or complex. Simple

phenotypes are easiest to detect: one can screen many organisms rapidly, for

example, for mutations that make it impossible for the organism to survive in the

absence of a particular amino acid or nutrient.

More complex phenotypes, such as defects in learning or behavior, may require

more elaborate screens (Figure 8–45). But even genetic screens that are used to

dissect complex physiological systems can be simple in design, which permits the

simultaneous examination of large numbers of mutants. As an example, one particularly

elegant screen was designed to search for genes involved in visual processing

in zebrafish. The basis of this screen, which monitors the fishes’ response

to motion, is a change in behavior. Wild-type fish tend to swim in the direction of

a perceived motion, whereas mutants with defects in their visual processing systems

swim in random directions—a behavior that is easily detected. One mutant

discovered in this screen is called lakritz, which is missing 80% of the retinal ganglion

cells that help to relay visual signals from the eye to the brain. As the cellular

organization of the zebrafish retina is similar to that of all vertebrates, the study

of such mutants should also provide insights into visual processing in humans.

Because defects in genes that are required for fundamental cell processes—

RNA synthesis and processing or cell-cycle control, for example—are usually

lethal, the functions of these genes are often studied in individuals with

Figure 8–44 Insertional mutant of the

snapdragon, Antirrhinum. A mutation

in a single gene coding for a regulatory

protein causes leafy shoots (left) to develop

in place of flowers, which occur in the

normal plant MBoC6 (right). The m8.53/8.45 mutation causes

cells to adopt a character that would be

appropriate to a different part of the normal

plant, so instead of a flower, the cells

produce a leafy shoot. (Courtesy of Enrico

Coen and Rosemary Carpenter.)

1 mm

Figure 8–45 A behavioral phenotype

detected in a genetic screen. (A) Wildtype

C. elegans engage in social feeding.

The worms migrate around until they

encounter their neighbors and commence

feeding on bacteria. (B) Mutant animals

feed by themselves. (Courtesy of Cornelia

Bargmann, Cell 94: cover, 1998. With

permission from Elsevier.)

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