Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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She was right and this was not a one-off. What a way to end your life

in such loveless circumstances. UK registered nurse Nicky Millen, a

proper old school nurse for 40 years, said that when she started her

career care was based on dignity, choice, compassion and empathy.

Now she said ‘the things that are important to me have gone out of

the window.’ She was appalled that people were dying without their

loved ones and saying goodbye on iPads. Nicky described how a

distressed 89-year-old lady stroked her face and asked her ‘how

many paracetamol would it take to finish me off’. Life was no longer

worth living while not seeing her family. Nicky said she was

humiliated in front of the ward staff and patients for le ing the lady

stroke her face and giving her a cuddle. Such is the dehumanisation

that the ‘Covid’ hoax has brought to the surface. Nicky worked in

care homes where patients told her they were being held prisoner. ‘I

want to live until I die’, one said to her. ‘I had a lady in tears because

she hadn’t seen her great-grandson.’ Nicky was compassionate old

school meeting psychopathic New Normal. She also said she had

worked on a ‘Covid’ ward with no ‘Covid’ patients. Jewish writer

Shai Held wrote an article in March, 2020, which was headlined ‘The

Staggering, Heartless Cruelty Toward the Elderly’. What he

described was happening from the earliest days of lockdown. He

said ‘the elderly’ were considered a group and not unique

individuals (the way of the Woke). Shai Held said:

Notice how the all-too-familiar rhetoric of dehumanization works: ‘The elderly’ are bunched

together as a faceless mass, all of them considered culprits and thus effectively deserving of

the suffering the pandemic will inflict upon them. Lost entirely is the fact that the elderly are

individual human beings, each with a distinctive face and voice, each with hopes and

dreams, memories and regrets, friendships and marriages, loves lost and loves sustained.

‘The elderly’ have become another dehumanised group for which

anything goes and for many that has resulted in cold disregard for

their rights and their life. The distinctive face that Held talks about is

designed to be deleted by masks until everyone is part of a faceless


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