Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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business empire collapsing as a former Mossad operative has

confirmed (see The Trigger).

Money, money, money, funny money …

Before I come to the Sabbatian connection with the last three US

presidents I will lay out the crucial importance to Sabbatians of

controlling banking and finance. Sabbatian Mayer Amschel

Rothschild set out to dominate this arena in his family’s quest for

total global control. What is freedom? It is, in effect, choice. The

more choices you have the freer you are and the fewer your choices

the more you are enslaved. In the global structure created over

centuries by Sabbatians the biggest decider and restrictor of choice is

… money. Across the world if you ask people what they would like

to do with their lives and why they are not doing that they will reply

‘I don’t have the money’. This is the idea. A global elite of multibillionaires

are described as ‘greedy’ and that is true on one level;

but control of money – who has it and who doesn’t – is not primarily

about greed. It’s about control. Sabbatians have seized ever more

control of finance and sucked the wealth of the world out of the

hands of the population. We talk now, a er all, about the ‘Onepercent’

and even then the wealthiest are a lot fewer even than that.

This has been made possible by a money scam so outrageous and so

vast it could rightly be called the scam of scams founded on creating

‘money’ out of nothing and ‘loaning’ that with interest to the

population. Money out of nothing is called ‘credit’. Sabbatians have

asserted control over governments and banking ever more

completely through the centuries and secured financial laws that

allow banks to lend hugely more than they have on deposit in a

confidence trick known as fractional reserve lending. Imagine if you

could lend money that doesn’t exist and charge the recipient interest

for doing so. You would end up in jail. Bankers by contrast end up in

mansions, private jets, Malibu and Monaco.

Banks are only required to keep a fraction of their deposits and

wealth in their vaults and they are allowed to lend ‘money’ they

don’t have called ‘credit. Go into a bank for a loan and if you succeed

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