Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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park. Eventually the Nappies turned and ran. Unfortunately two or

three idiots in the crowd threw drink cans striking two officers

which gave the media and the government the image they wanted to

discredit the 99.9999 percent who were peaceful. The idiots walked

straight into the trap and we must always be aware of potential

agent provocateurs used by the authorities to discredit their targets.

This response from the crowd – the can people apart – must be a

turning point when the public no longer stand by while the innocent

are arrested and brutally a acked by the Face-Nappies. That doesn’t

mean to be violent, that’s the last thing we need. We’ll leave the

violence to the Face-Nappies and government. But it does mean that

when the Face-Nappies use violence against peaceful people the

numerical superiority is employed to stop them and make citizen’s

arrests or Common Law arrests for a breach of the peace. The time

for being passive in the face of fascism is over.

We are the many, they are the few, and we need to make that count

before there is no freedom le and our children and grandchildren

face an ongoing fascist nightmare.


One final thought …

The power of love

A force from above

Cleaning my soul

Flame on burn desire

Love with tongues of fire

Purge the soul

Make love your goal

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