Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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torture is most certainly what has been imposed on the human


Clinically-insane American psychologist Harry Harlow became

famous for his isolation experiments in the 1950s in which he

separated baby monkeys from their mothers and imprisoned them

for months on end in a metal container or ‘pit of despair’. They soon

began to show mental distress and depression as any idiot could

have predicted. Harlow put other monkeys in steel chambers for

three, six or twelve months while denying them any contact with

animals or humans. He said that the effects of total social isolation

for six months were ‘so devastating and debilitating that we had

assumed initially that twelve months of isolation would not produce

any additional decrement’; but twelve months of isolation ‘almost

obliterated the animals socially’. This is what the Cult and its

psychopaths are doing to you and your children. Even monkeys in

partial isolation in which they were not allowed to form

relationships with other monkeys became ‘aggressive and hostile,

not only to others, but also towards their own bodies’. We have seen

this in the young as a consequence of lockdown. UK government

psychopaths launched a public relations campaign telling people not

to hug each other even a er they received the ‘Covid-19 vaccine’

which we were told with more lies would allow a return to ‘normal

life’. A government source told The Telegraph: ‘It will be along the

lines that it is great that you have been vaccinated, but if you are

going to visit your family and hug your grandchildren there is a

chance you are going to infect people you love.’ The source was

apparently speaking from a secure psychiatric facility. Janet Lord,

director of Birmingham University’s Institute of Inflammation and

Ageing, said that parents and grandparents should avoid hugging

their children. Well, how can I put it, Ms Lord? Fuck off. Yep, that’ll


Destroying the kids – where are the parents?

Observe what has happened to people enslaved and isolated by

lockdown as suicide and self-harm has soared worldwide,

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