Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1100 Chapter 20: Cancer











Figure 20–13 Both increased cell

division and decreased apoptosis can

contribute to tumorigenesis. In normal

tissues, apoptosis balances cell division

to maintain homeostasis (see Movie 18.1).

During the development of cancer, either

an increase in cell division or an inhibition

of apoptosis can lead to the increased

cell numbers important for tumorigenesis.

The cells fated to undergo apoptosis are

gray in this diagram. Both an increase in

cell division and a decrease in apoptosis

normally contribute to tumor growth.






after a certain number of population doublings (25–50 for human fibroblasts,

for example). This cell-division-counting mechanism is termed replicative

cell senescence, and it generally MBoC6 depends m20.14/20.13 on the progressive shortening of the

telomeres at the ends of chromosomes, a process that eventually changes their

structure (discussed in Chapter 17). As discussed in Chapter 5, the replication of

telomere DNA during S phase depends on the enzyme telomerase, which maintains

a special telomeric DNA sequence that promotes the formation of protein

cap structures to protect chromosome ends. Because many proliferating human

cells (stem cells being an exception) are deficient in telomerase, their telomeres

shorten with every division, and their protective caps deteriorate, creating a DNA

damage signal. Eventually, the altered chromosome ends can trigger a permanent

cell-cycle arrest, causing a normal cell to die.

Human cancer cells avoid replicative cell senescence in one of two ways. They

can maintain the activity of telomerase as they proliferate, so that their telomeres

do not shorten or become uncapped, or they can evolve an alternate mechanism

based on homologous recombination (called ALT) for elongating their chromosome

ends. Regardless of the strategy used, the result is that the cancer cells continue

to proliferate under conditions when normal cells would stop.

The Tumor Microenvironment Influences Cancer Development

While the cancer cells in a tumor are the bearers of dangerous mutations and

are often grossly abnormal, the other cells in the tumor—especially those of the

supporting connective tissue, or stroma—are far from passive bystanders. The

2 mm

Figure 20–14 Cross-section of a colon

adenocarcinoma that has metastasized

to the lung. This tissue slice shows

well-differentiated colorectal cancer cells

forming cohesive glands in the lung.

The metastasis has central pink areas of

necrosis where dying cancer cells have

outgrown their blood supply. Such anoxic

regions are common in the interior of large

tumors. (Courtesy of Andrew J. Connolly.)

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