Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Forbes noted the development of the Brain Computer Interface (BCI)

which merges the brain with an external device for monitoring and

controlling in real-time. ‘The ultimate goal is to help restore function

to individuals with disabilities by using brain signals rather than

conventional neuromuscular pathways.’ Oh, do fuck off. The goal of

brain interface technology is controlling human thought and

emotion from the central point in a hive mind serving its masters

wishes. Many people are now agreeing to be chipped to open doors

without a key. You can recognise them because they’ll be wearing a

mask, social distancing and lining up for the ‘vaccine’. The Cult

plans a Great Reset money system a er they have completed the

demolition of the global economy in which ‘money’ will be

exchanged through communication with body operating systems.

Rand Corporation, a Cult-owned think tank, said of the Internet of

Bodies or IoB:

Internet of Bodies technologies fall under the broader IoT umbrella. But as the name suggests,

IoB devices introduce an even more intimate interplay between humans and gadgets. IoB

devices monitor the human body, collect health metrics and other personal information, and

transmit those data over the Internet. Many devices, such as fitness trackers, are already in use

… IoB devices … and those in development can track, record, and store users’ whereabouts,

bodily functions, and what they see, hear, and even think.

Schwab’s World Economic Forum, a long-winded way of saying

‘fascism’ or ‘the Cult’, has gone full-on with the Internet of Bodies in

the ‘Covid’ era. ‘We’re entering the era of the Internet of Bodies’, it

declared, ‘collecting our physical data via a range of devices that can

be implanted, swallowed or worn’. The result would be a huge

amount of health-related data that could improve human wellbeing

around the world, and prove crucial in fighting the ‘Covid-19

pandemic’. Does anyone think these clowns care about ‘human

wellbeing’ a er the death and devastation their pandemic hoax has

purposely caused? Schwab and co say we should move forward with

the Internet of Bodies because ‘Keeping track of symptoms could

help us stop the spread of infection, and quickly detect new cases’.

How wonderful, but keeping track’ is all they are really bothered

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