Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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(A) marine stickleback

pelvic spine


Pitx1 expression

Figure 21–37 Morphological diversity

in stickleback fish is caused by

changes in regulatory elements.

(A–D) Pelvic spines are present in marine

(A) but not in freshwater (C) populations.

Correspondingly, Pitx1 is expressed in

the pelvic area in marine (B) but not in

freshwater (D) fish. The lack of expression

in the pelvic area of freshwater populations

is caused by mutations in an enhancer

element. Other enhancers and sites of

expression for Pitx1 are the same in marine

and freshwater sticklebacks. (Courtesy of

Michael D. Shapiro.)

(C) freshwater stickleback


freshwater sticklebacks have lost this expression as a result of a change at the Pitx1

locus. These changes do not lie in the coding sequence. Instead, each is a small

deletion of a block of adjacent regulatory DNA that controls Pitx1 expression specifically

in the pelvic cells (Figure 21–37).

The Pitx1 protein has important




elsewhere in the body, so that the

DNA sequences that encode this protein must be retained. The regulatory DNA

responsible for Pitx1 expression at these other sites is also unchanged in the two

populations of sticklebacks. The evolution of pelvis development in sticklebacks

shows how the modular nature of regulatory DNA elements that we encountered

in Chapter 7 (see Figure 7–29) allows independent modification of the different

parts of the body, even when formation of those body parts depends on the same


In the recent evolution of plants, changes of body structure can be traced in

a similar way to changes in regulatory DNA. For example, these account for a

large part of the dramatic difference between the wild teosinte plant and its modern

descendant, maize, through some 10,000 years of mutation and selection by

Native Americans.


Drosophila has been the foremost model organism for the study of the genetics of

animal development. Its embryonic pattern is initiated by the products of maternal-effect

genes called egg-polarity genes, which operate by setting up graded distributions

of transcription regulators in the egg and early embryo. The gradient of

Bicoid protein along the A-P axis, for example, helps initiate the orderly expression

of gap genes, pair-rule genes, and segment-polarity genes. These three classes of segmentation

genes, through a hierarchy of interactions, become expressed in some

regions of the embryo and not others, progressively subdividing the embryo along

the A-P axis into a regular series of repeating modular units called segments.

Superimposed on the pattern of gene expression that repeats itself in every segment,

there is a serial pattern of expression of Hox genes that confer on each segment

a different identity. These genes are grouped in complexes and are arranged in

a sequence that matches their sequence of expression along the A-P axis of the body.

Although Hox gene expression is initiated in the embryo, it is subsequently maintained

by the action of chromatin-binding proteins of the Polycomb and Trithorax

group, which stamp the chromatin of the Hox complex with a heritable record of

its embryonic state of repression or activation, respectively. Hox complexes homologous

to that of Drosophila are found in virtually every type of animal, where they

help pattern the A-P axis of the body.

Signaling gradients are also set up along the dorsoventral (D-V) axis. Initially,

Toll signaling generates a nuclear gradient of Dorsal protein, which induces an

extracellular signaling gradient of the TGFβ-family protein Dpp and its antagonist,

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