Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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in which the personnel and advocates are themselves

overwhelmingly the perceptual products of the same repetition.

Teachers and academics in general are processed by the same

programming machine as everyone else, but unlike the great

majority they never leave the ‘education’ program. It gripped them

as students and continues to grip them as programmers of

subsequent generations of students. The programmed become the

programmers – the programmed programmers. The same can

largely be said for scientists, doctors and politicians and not least

because as the American writer Upton Sinclair said: ‘It is difficult to

get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon

his not understanding it.’ If your career and income depend on

thinking the way the system demands then you will – bar a few freeminded

exceptions – concede your mind to the Perceptual

Mainframe that I call the Postage Stamp Consensus. This is a tiny

band of perceived knowledge and possibility ‘taught’ (downloaded)

in the schools and universities, pounded out by the mainstream

media and on which all government policy is founded. Try thinking,

and especially speaking and acting, outside of the ‘box’ of consensus

and see what that does for your career in the Mainstream Everything

which bullies, harasses, intimidates and ridicules the population into

compliance. Here we have the simple structure which enslaves most

of humanity in a perceptual prison cell for an entire lifetime and I’ll

go deeper into this process shortly. Most of what humanity is taught

as fact is nothing more than programmed belief. American science

fiction author Frank Herbert was right when he said: ‘Belief can be

manipulated. Only knowledge is dangerous.’ In the ‘Covid’ age

belief is promoted and knowledge is censored. It was always so, but

never to the extreme of today.

World number 2

A ‘number 2’ is slang for ‘doing a poo’ and how appropriate that is

when this other ‘world’ is doing just that on humanity every minute

of every day. World number 2 is a global network of secret societies

and semi-secret groups dictating the direction of society via

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