Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1104 Chapter 20: Cancer



As we have seen, cancer depends on the accumulation of inherited changes in

somatic cells. To understand it at a molecular level we need to identify the mutations

and epigenetic changes involved and to discover how they give rise to cancerous

cell behavior. Finding the relevant cells is often easy; they are favored by

natural selection and call attention to themselves by giving rise to tumors. But

how do we identify those genes with the cancer-promoting changes among all

the other genes in the cancerous cells? A typical cancer depends on a whole set

of mutations and epigenetic changes—usually a somewhat different set in each

individual patient. In addition, a given cancer cell will also contain a large number

of somatic mutations that are accidental by-products—so-called passengers

rather than drivers—of its genetic instability, and it can be difficult to distinguish

these meaningless changes from those changes that have a causative role in the

disease. Despite these difficulties, many of the genes that are repeatedly altered

in human cancers have been identified over the past 40 years. We will call such

genes, for want of a better term, cancer-critical genes, meaning all genes whose

alteration contributes to the causation or evolution of cancer by driving tumorigenesis.

In this section, we shall first discuss how cancer-critical genes are identified.

We shall then examine their functions and the parts they play in conferring on

cancer cells the properties outlined in the first part of the chapter. We shall end

the section by discussing colon cancer as an extended example, showing how a

succession of changes in cancer-critical genes enables a tumor to evolve from one

pattern of bad behavior to another that is worse.

The Identification of Gain-of-Function and Loss-of-Function

Cancer Mutations Has Traditionally Required Different Methods

Cancer-critical genes are grouped into two broad classes, according to whether the

cancer risk arises from too much activity of the gene product or too little. Genes of

the first class, in which a gain-of-function mutation can drive a cell toward cancer,

are called proto-oncogenes; their mutant, overactive or overexpressed forms are

called oncogenes. Genes of the second class, in which a loss-of-function mutation

can contribute to cancer, are called tumor suppressor genes. In either case,

the mutation may lead toward cancer directly (by causing cells to proliferate

when they should not) or indirectly—for example, by causing genetic or epigenetic

instability and so hastening the occurrence of other inherited changes that

directly stimulate tumor growth. Those genes whose alteration results in genomic

instability represent a subclass of cancer-critical genes that are sometimes called

genome maintenance genes.

As we shall see, mutations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes can

have similar effects in promoting the development of cancer; overproduction of a

signal for cell proliferation, for example, can result from either kind of mutation.

Thus, from the point of view of a cancer cell, oncogenes and tumor suppressor

genes—and the mutations that affect them—are flip sides of the same coin. The

techniques that led to the discovery of these two categories of genes, however, are

quite different.

The mutation of a single copy of a proto-oncogene that converts it to an oncogene

has a dominant, growth-promoting effect on a cell (Figure 20–17A). Thus, we

can identify the oncogene by its effect when it is added—by DNA transfection, for

example, or through infection with a viral vector—to the genome of a suitable type

of tester cell or experimental animal. In the case of the tumor suppressor gene, on

the other hand, the cancer-causing alleles produced by the change are generally

recessive: often (but not always) both copies of the normal gene must be removed

or inactivated in the diploid somatic cell before an effect is seen (Figure 20–17B).

This calls for a different experimental approach, one focusing on discovering what

is missing in the cancer cell.

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