Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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lockdown house arrest is brutally enforced by carefully recruited

fascist minds and gormless system-servers. The police and military

are planned to merge into a centrally-directed world army in a

global structure headed by a world government which wouldn’t be

elected even by the election fixes now in place. The world army is

not planned even to be human and instead wars would be fought,

primarily against the population, using robot technology controlled

by artificial intelligence. I have been warning about this for decades

and now militaries around the world are being transformed by this

very AI technology. The global regime that I describe is a particular

form of fascism known as a technocracy in which decisions are not

made by clueless and co-opted politicians but by unelected

technocrats – scientists, engineers, technologists and bureaucrats.

Cult-owned-and-controlled Silicon Valley giants are examples of

technocracy and they already have far more power to direct world

events than governments. They are with their censorship selecting

governments. I know that some are calling the ‘Great Reset’ a

Marxist communist takeover, but fascism and Marxism are different

labels for the same tyranny. Tell those who lived in fascist Germany

and Stalinist Russia that there was a difference in the way their

freedom was deleted and their lives controlled. I could call it a fascist

technocracy or a Marxist technocracy and they would be equally

accurate. The Hunger Games society with its world government

structure would oversee a world army, world central bank and single

world cashless currency imposing its will on a microchipped

population (Fig 5). Scan its different elements and see how the

illusory pandemic is forcing society in this very direction at great

speed. Leaders of 23 countries and the World Health Organization

(WHO) backed the idea in March, 2021, of a global treaty for

‘international cooperation’ in ‘health emergencies’ and nations

should ‘come together as a global community for peaceful

cooperation that extends beyond this crisis’. Cut the Orwellian

bullshit and this means another step towards global government.

The plan includes a cashless digital money system that I first warned

about in 1993. Right at the start of ‘Covid’ the deeply corrupt Tedros

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