Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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are. Common themes with personnel are matched by common goals.

The ‘solutions’ to both ‘problems’ are centralisation of global power

to impose the will of the few on the many to ‘save’ humanity from

‘Covid’ and save the planet from an ‘existential threat’ (we need

‘zero Covid’ and ‘zero carbon emissions’). These, in turn, connect

with the ‘dot’ of globalisation which was coined to describe the

centralisation of global power in every area of life through incessant

political and corporate expansion, trading blocks and superstates

like the European Union. If you are the few and you want to control

the many you have to centralise power and decision-making. The

more you centralise power the more power the few at the centre will

have over the many; and the more that power is centralised the more

power those at the centre have to centralise even quicker. The

momentum of centralisation gets faster and faster which is exactly

the process we have witnessed. In this way the hoaxed ‘pandemic’

and the fakery of human-caused global warming serve the interests

of globalisation and the seizure of global power in the hands of the

Cult inner-circle which is behind ‘Covid’, ‘climate change’ and

globalisation. At this point random ‘dots’ become a clear and

obvious picture or pa ern.

Klaus Schwab, the classic Bond villain who founded the Cult’s

Gates-funded World Economic Forum, published a book in 2020, The

Great Reset, in which he used the ‘problem’ of ‘Covid’ to justify a

total transformation of human society to ‘save’ humanity from

‘climate change’. Schwab said: ‘The pandemic represents a rare but

narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our

world.’ What he didn’t mention is that the Cult he serves is behind

both hoaxes as I show in my book The Answer. He and the Cult don’t

have to reimagine the world. They know precisely what they want

and that’s why they destroyed human society with ‘Covid’ to ‘build

back be er’ in their grand design. Their job is not to imagine, but to

get humanity to imagine and agree with their plans while believing

it’s all random. It must be pure coincidence that ‘The Great Reset’

has long been the Cult’s code name for the global imposition of

fascism and replaced previous code-names of the ‘New World

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