Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Figure 19–26 Connexin turnover at a gap junction. Cells were transfected

with a slightly modified connexin gene, coding for a connexin with a short

amino acid tag containing four cysteines in the sequence Cys-Cys-X-X-

Cys-Cys (where X denotes an arbitrary amino acid). This tetracysteine tag

can bind strongly to certain small fluorescent dye molecules, which can be

added to the culture medium and will readily enter cells by diffusing across

the plasma membrane. In the experiment shown, a green dye was added

first to label all the connexin molecules in the cells, and the cells were then

washed and incubated for 4 or 8 hours. At the end of this time, a red dye

was added to the medium and the cells were washed again and fixed.

Connexin molecules already present at the beginning of the experiment are

labeled green (and take up no red dye because their tetracysteine tags are

already saturated with green dye), while connexins synthesized subsequently,

during the 4- or 8-hour incubation, are labeled red. The fluorescence images

show gap junctions between pairs of cells treated in this way. The central

part of the gap-junction plaque is green, indicating that it consists of old

connexin molecules, while the periphery is red, indicating that it consists

of connexins synthesized during the previous 4 or 8 hours. The longer the

time of incubation, the smaller the green central patch of old molecules, and

the larger the peripheral ring of new molecules that have been recruited to

replace the old ones. (From G. Gaietta et al., Science 296:503–507, 2002.

With permission from AAAS.)


4 h incubation

8 h incubation


1 µm

leakage through them. But there is also evidence that in some circumstances they

can open and serve as channels for the release of small signal molecules.

In Plants, Plasmodesmata Perform Many of the Same Functions

as Gap Junctions

The tissues of a plant are organized on different principles from those of an animal.

This is because plant cells are imprisoned within tough cell walls composed

of an extracellular matrix rich in cellulose and other polysaccharides, as we discuss

later. The cell walls of adjacent cells are firmly cemented to those of their

neighbors, which eliminates the need for anchoring junctions to hold the cells

in place. But a need for direct cell–cell communication remains. Thus, plant cells

have only one class of intercellular junctions, plasmodesmata. Like gap junctions,

they directly connect the cytoplasms of adjacent cells.

In plants, the cell wall between a typical pair of adjacent cells is at least 0.1 μm

thick, and so a structure very different from a gap junction is required to mediate

communication across it. Plasmodesmata solve the problem. With a few specialized

exceptions, every living cell in a higher plant is connected to its living

neighbors by these structures, which form fine cytoplasmic channels through the

intervening cell walls. As shown in Figure 19–27A, the plasma membrane of one

cell is continuous with that of its neighbor at each plasmodesma, which connects

the cytoplasms of the two cells by a roughly cylindrical channel with a diameter

of 20–40 nm.

Running through the center of the channel in most plasmodesmata is a narrower

cylindrical structure, the desmotubule, which is continuous with elements

of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in each of the connected cells (Figure

19–27B–D). Between the outside of the desmotubule and the inner face of

the cylindrical channel formed by plasma membrane is an annulus of cytosol

through which small molecules can pass from cell to cell. As each new cell wall

is assembled during the cytokinesis phase of cell division, plasmodesmata are

created within it. They form around elements of smooth ER that become trapped

across the developing cell plate (discussed in Chapter 17). They can also be

inserted de novo through preexisting cell walls, where they are commonly found

in dense clusters called pit fields. When no longer required, plasmodesmata can

be removed.

In spite of the radical difference in structure between plasmodesmata and gap

junctions, they seem to function in remarkably similar ways. Evidence obtained

by injecting tracer molecules of different sizes suggests that plasmodesmata allow

the passage of molecules with a molecular weight of less than about 800, which

8 h incubation

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2 µm

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