Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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some 40 Freedom of Information requests to national public health

agencies in different countries asking for proof that SARS-CoV-2 has

been isolated and not one of them could supply that information.

Massey said of her request in Canada: ‘Freedom of Information

reveals Public Health Agency of Canada has no record of ‘SARS-

COV-2’ isolation performed by anyone, anywhere, ever.’ If you

accept the comment from the UK Department of Health it’s because

they can’t isolate a ‘virus’. Even so many ‘science’ papers claimed to

have isolated the ‘Covid virus’ until they were questioned and had

to admit they hadn’t. A reply from the Robert Koch Institute in

Germany was typical: ‘I am not aware of a paper which purified

isolated SARS-CoV-2.’ So what the hell was Christian Drosten and

his gang using to design the ‘Covid’ testing protocol that has

produced all the illusory Covid’ cases and ‘Covid’ deaths when the

head of the Chinese version of the CDC admi ed there was a

problem right from the start in that the ‘virus’ had never been

isolated/purified? Breathe deeply: What they are calling ‘Covid’ is

actually created by a computer program i.e. they made it up – er, that’s

it. They took lung fluid, with many sources of genetic material, from

one single person alleged to be infected with Covid-19 by a PCR test

which they claimed, without clear evidence, contained a ‘virus’. They

used several computer programs to create a model of a theoretical

virus genome sequence from more than fi y-six million small

sequences of RNA, each of an unknown source, assembling them

like a puzzle with no known solution. The computer filled in the

gaps with sequences from bits in the gene bank to make it look like a

bat SARS-like coronavirus! A wave of the magic wand and poof, an

in silico (computer-generated) genome, a scientific fantasy, was

created. UK health researcher Dr Kevin Corbe made the same point

with this analogy:

… It’s like giving you a few bones and saying that’s your fish. It could be any fish. Not even a

skeleton. Here’s a few fragments of bones. That’s your fish … It’s all from gene bank and the

bits of the virus sequence that weren’t there they made up.

They synthetically created them to fill in the blanks. That’s what genetics is; it’s a code. So it’s

ABBBCCDDD and you’re missing some what you think is EEE so you put it in. It’s all

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