Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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226 Chapter 4: DNA, Chromosomes, and Genomes

for it to succeed in nature. Moreover, calculations based on population genetics

reveal that just a tiny selective advantage—less than a 0.1% difference in survival—can

be enough to strongly favor retaining a particular DNA sequence over

evolutionary time spans. One should therefore not be surprised to find that many

DNA sequences that are ultraconserved can be deleted from the mouse genome

without any noticeable effect on that mouse in a laboratory.

A second important approach for discovering the function of a mysterious

noncoding DNA sequence uses biochemical techniques to identify proteins or

RNA molecules that bind to it—and/or to any RNA molecules that it produces.

Most of this task still lies before us, but a start has been made (see p. 435).

Changes in Previously Conserved Sequences Can Help Decipher

Critical Steps in Evolution

Given genome sequence information, we can tackle another intriguing question:

What alterations in our DNA have made humans so different from other animals—or

for that matter, what makes any individual species so different from its

relatives? For example, as soon as both the human and the chimpanzee genome

sequences became available, scientists began searching for DNA sequence

changes that might account for the striking differences between us and chimpanzees.

With 3.2 billion nucleotide pairs to compare in the two species, this

might seem an impossible task. But the job was made much easier by confining

the search to 35,000 clearly defined multispecies conserved sequences (a total

of about 5 million nucleotide pairs), representing parts of the genome that are

most likely to be functionally important. Though these sequences are conserved

strongly, they are not conserved perfectly, and when the version in one species is

compared with that in another they are generally found to have drifted apart by

a small amount corresponding simply to the time elapsed since the last common

ancestor. In a small proportion of cases, however, one sees signs of a sudden evolutionary

spurt. For example, some DNA sequences that have been highly conserved

in other mammalian species are found to have accumulated nucleotide

changes exceptionally rapidly during the 6 million years of human evolution since

we diverged from the chimpanzees. These human accelerated regions (HARs) are

thought to reflect functions that have been especially important in making us different

in some useful way.

About 50 such sites were identified in one study, one-fourth of which were

located near genes associated with neural development. The sequence exhibiting

the most rapid change (18 changes between human and chimpanzee, compared

to only two changes between chimpanzee and chicken) was examined further

and found to encode a 118-nucleotide noncoding RNA molecule, HAR1F (human

accelerated region 1F), that is produced in the human cerebral cortex at a critical

time during brain development. The function of this HAR1F RNA is not yet known,

but findings of this type are stimulating research studies that may shed light on

crucial features of the human brain.

A related approach in the search for the important mutations that contributed

to human evolution likewise begins with DNA sequences that have been conserved

during mammalian evolution, but rather than screening for accelerated

changes in individual nucleotides, it focuses instead on chromosome sites that

have experienced deletions in the 6 million years since our lineage diverged from

that of chimpanzees. More than 500 such sequences—conserved among other

species but deleted in humans—have been discovered. Each deletion removes an

average of 95 nucleotides of DNA sequence. Only one of these deletions affects a

protein-coding region: the rest are thought to alter regions that affect how nearby

genes are expressed, an expectation that has been experimentally confirmed

in a few cases. A large proportion of the presumed regulatory regions identified

in this way lie near genes that affect neural function and/or near genes involved in

steroid signaling, suggesting that changes in the nervous system and in immune

or reproductive functions have played an especially important role in human


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