Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Marxist takeovers. Our cultural past and traditions have to be swept

away to allow a new culture to be built-back-be er. Woke targeting

of long-standing Western cultural pillars including historical

monuments and cancelling of historical figures is what happened in

the Mao revolution in China which ‘purged remnants of capitalist

and traditional elements from Chinese society‘ and installed Maoism

as the dominant ideology‘. For China see the Western world today

and for ‘dominant ideology’ see Woke. Be er still see Marxism or

Maoism. The ‘Covid’ hoax has specifically sought to destroy the arts

and all elements of Western culture from people meeting in a pub or

restaurant to closing theatres, music venues, sports stadiums, places

of worship and even banning singing. Destruction of Western society

is also why criticism of any religion is banned except for Christianity

which again is the dominant religion as white is the numericallydominant

race. Christianity may be fading rapidly, but its history

and traditions are weaved through the fabric of Western society.

Delete the pillars and other structures will follow until the whole

thing collapses. I am not a Christian defending that religion when I

say that. I have no religion. It’s just a fact. To this end Christianity

has itself been turned Woke to usher its own downfall and its ranks

are awash with ‘change agents’ – knowing and unknowing – at

every level including Pope Francis (definitely knowing) and the

clueless Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby (possibly not, but

who can be sure?). Woke seeks to coordinate a acks on Western

culture, traditions, and ways of life through ‘intersectionality’

defined as ‘the complex, cumulative way in which the effects of

multiple forms of discrimination (such as racism, sexism, and

classism) combine, overlap, or intersect especially in the experiences

of marginalised individuals or groups’. Wade through the Orwellian

Woke-speak and this means coordinating disparate groups in a

common cause to overthrow freedom and liberal values.

The entire structure of public institutions has been infested with

Woke – government at all levels, political parties, police, military,

schools, universities, advertising, media and trade unions. This

abomination has been achieved through the Cult web by appointing

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