Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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testing and vaccines’ among other things in Africa in collaboration

with ‘24 organizations, businesses, and government agencies’. The

pan-Africa initiative would focus on 10 countries: Burkina Faso,

Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania,

Uganda, and Zambia’. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller

Foundation and former administrator of CIA-controlled USAID, said

that if Africa was not mass-vaccinated (to change the DNA of its

people) it was a ‘threat to all of humanity’ and not fair on Africans.

When someone from the Rockefeller Foundation says they want to

do something to help poor and deprived people and countries it is

time for a belly-laugh. They are doing this out of the goodness of

their ‘heart’ because ‘vaccinating’ the entire global population is

what the ‘Covid’ hoax set out to achieve. Official ‘decolonisation’ of

Africa by the Cult was merely a prelude to financial colonisation on

the road to a return to physical colonisation. The ‘vaccine’ is vital to

that and the sudden and convenient death of the ‘Covid’ sceptic

president of Tanzania can be seen in its true light. A lot of people in

Africa are aware that this is another form of colonisation and

exploitation and they need to stand their ground.

The ‘vaccine is working’ scam

A potential problem for the Cult was that the ‘vaccine’ is meant to

change human DNA and body messaging and not to protect anyone

from a ‘virus’ never shown to exist. The vaccine couldn’t work

because it was not designed to work and how could they make it

appear to be working so that more people would have it? This was

overcome by lowering the amplification rate of the PCR test to

produce fewer ‘cases’ and therefore fewer ‘deaths’. Some of us had

been pointing out since March, 2020, that the amplification rate of

the test not testing for the ‘virus’ had been made artificially high to

generate positive tests which they could call ‘cases’ to justify

lockdowns. The World Health Organization recommended an

absurdly high 45 amplification cycles to ensure the high positives

required by the Cult and then remained silent on the issue until

January 20th, 2021 – Biden’s Inauguration Day. This was when the

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