Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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during the ‘flower’ hearing while the ‘adults’ decided his fate.

County Chief District Court Judge Jay Corpening asked: ‘Should a

child that believes in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the tooth

fairy be making life-altering decisions?’ Well, of course not, but

common sense has no meaning when you have a common purpose

and a reframed mind. Treating children in this way, and police

operating in American schools, is all part of the psychological

preparation for children to accept a police state as normal all their

adult lives. The same goes for all the cameras and biometric tracking

technology in schools. Police training is focused on reframing them

as snowflake Wokers and this is happening in the military. Pentagon

top brass said that ‘training sessions on extremism’ were needed for

troops who asked why they were so focused on the Capitol Building

riot when Black Lives Ma er riots were ignored. What’s the

difference between them some apparently and rightly asked.

Actually, there is a difference. Five people died in the Capitol riot,

only one through violence, and that was a police officer shooting an

unarmed protestor. BLM riots killed at least 25 people and cost

billions. Asking the question prompted the psychopaths and

reframed minds that run the Pentagon to say that more ‘education’

(programming) was needed. Troop training is all based on

psychological programming to make them fodder for the Cult –

‘Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in

foreign policy’ as Cult-to-his-DNA former Secretary of State Henry

Kissinger famously said. Governments see the police in similar terms

and it’s time for those among them who can see this to defend the

people and stop being enforcers of the Cult agenda upon the people.

The US military, like the country itself, is being targeted for

destruction through a long list of Woke impositions. Cult-owned

gaga ‘President’ Biden signed an executive order when he took office

to allow taxpayer money to pay for transgender surgery for active

military personnel and veterans. Are you a man soldier? No, I’m a

LGBTQIA+ with a hint of Skoliosexual and Spectrasexual. Oh, good

man. Bad choice of words you bigot. The Pentagon announced in

March, 2021, the appointment of the first ‘diversity and inclusion

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