Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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when Ferguson heads the Vaccine Impact Modelling Consortium at

Imperial College funded by the Gates Foundation and GAVI, the

‘vaccine alliance’, created by Gates as his personal vaccine

promotion operation? To compound the human catastrophe that

Ferguson’s ‘models’ did so much to create he was later exposed for

breaking his own lockdown rules by having sexual liaisons with his

married girlfriend Antonia Staats at his home while she was living at

another location with her husband and children. Staats was a

‘climate’ activist and senior campaigner at the Soros-funded Avaaz

which I wouldn’t trust to tell me that grass is green. Ferguson had to

resign as a government advisor over this hypocrisy in May, 2020, but

a er a period of quiet he was back being quoted by the ridiculous

media on the need for more lockdowns and a vaccine rollout. Other

government-advising ‘scientists’ from Imperial College’ held the fort

in his absence and said lockdown could be indefinite until a vaccine

was found. The Cult script was being sung by the payrolled choir. I

said there was no intention of going back to ‘normal’ when the

‘vaccine’ came because the ‘vaccine’ is part of a very different agenda

that I will discuss in Human 2.0. Why would the Cult want to let the

world go back to normal when destroying that normal forever was

the whole point of what was happening? House arrest, closing

businesses and schools through lockdown, (un)social distancing and

masks all followed the Ferguson fantasy models. Again as I

predicted (these people are so predictable) when the ‘vaccine’

arrived we were told that house arrest, lockdown, (un)social

distancing and masks would still have to continue. I will deal with

the masks in the next chapter because they are of fundamental


Where’s the ‘pandemic’?

Any mildly in-depth assessment of the figures revealed what was

really going on. Cult-funded and controlled organisations still have

genuine people working within them such is the number involved.

So it is with Genevieve Briand, assistant program director of the

Applied Economics master’s degree program at Johns Hopkins

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