Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Wokers to positions of power and ba ering non-Wokers into line

through intimidation, isolation and threats to their job. Many have

been fired in the wake of the empathy-deleted, vicious hostility of

‘social justice’ Wokers and the desire of gutless, spineless employers

to virtue-signal their Wokeness. Corporations are filled with Wokers

today, most notably those in Silicon Valley. Ironically at the top they

are not Woke at all. They are only exploiting the mentality their Cult

masters have created and funded to censor and enslave while the

Wokers cheer them on until it’s their turn. Thus the Woke ‘liberal

le ’ is an inversion of the traditional liberal le . Campaigning for

justice on the grounds of power and wealth distribution has been

replaced by campaigning for identity politics. The genuine

traditional le would never have taken money from today’s

billionaire abusers of fairness and justice and nor would the

billionaires have wanted to fund that genuine le . It would not have

been in their interests to do so. The division of opinion in those days

was between the haves and have nots. This all changed with Cult

manipulated and funded identity politics. The division of opinion

today is between Wokers and non-Wokers and not income brackets.

Cult corporations and their billionaires may have taken wealth

disparity to cataclysmic levels of injustice, but as long as they speak

the language of Woke, hand out the dosh to the Woke network and

censor the enemy they are ‘one of us’. Billionaires who don’t give a

damn about injustice are laughing at them till their bellies hurt.

Wokers are not even close to self-aware enough to see that. The

transformed ‘le ’ dynamic means that Wokers who drone on about

‘social justice’ are funded by billionaires that have destroyed social

justice the world over. It’s why they are billionaires.

The climate con

Nothing encapsulates what I have said more comprehensively than

the hoax of human-caused global warming. I have detailed in my

books over the years how Cult operatives and organisations were the

pump-primers from the start of the climate con. A purpose-built

vehicle for this is the Club of Rome established by the Cult in 1968

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