Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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absorptive cell

goblet cell Paneth cell

Movie 20.6). The Paneth cells in the crypts are produced in much smaller numbers

and have a different migration pattern. They live at the bottom of the crypts,

where they too are continually replaced, although not so rapidly, persisting for

several weeks (in the mouse) before undergoing apoptosis and being phagocytosed

by their neighbors.

The central problem is to understand the processes in the crypt that generate

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a continual supply of all these nondividing, terminally differentiated cell types.

Stem Cells of the Small Intestine Lie at or Near the Base of Each


The general pattern of cell proliferation and migration in the gut lining is revealed

by a simple labeling method that uses injected pulses of tritiated (radioactive)

thymidine or of a thymidine analog that can be detected in tissue sections. Cells

that are in S phase of the division cycle incorporate the marker molecule into their

DNA, and their fate can then be followed over subsequent hours and days. If a

cell divides after incorporation of the label, the label becomes diluted, halving

with each cell cycle. This can be quantified. Experiments based on this labeling

method confirm, first of all, that dividing cells are confined to the crypts and that

the differentiated cell types listed above do not divide. Second, the most rapidly

dividing cells, with a cycle time of about 12 hours in the mouse, are shown to lie in

the middle and upper parts of the crypt, and these cells are all fated to differentiate

and stop dividing (see Figure 22–1A). Just above the base of the crypt, interspersed

among the Paneth cells, lie cells that divide more slowly. These are the stem cells,

which feed some of their progeny into the higher levels of the crypt destined for

differentiation, while other progeny remain at the crypt base to continue the

whole process. The rapidly dividing cells above these stem cells are derived from

them, but already committed to differentiation. These cells are called committed

precursors or transit amplifying cells, since their divisions serve to amplify the

number of differentiated cells that ultimately result from each stem-cell division.

5 µm

enteroendocrine cell

Figure 22–2 The four main differentiated

cell types found in the epithelial lining of

the small intestine. All cells are oriented

with the gut lumen at top. Broad orange

arrows indicate direction of secretion

or uptake of materials for each type of

cell. All of these cells are generated from

undifferentiated multipotent stem cells

living near the bottoms of the crypts (see

Figure 22–1). Absorptive (brush-border)

cells outnumber the other cell types in the

epithelium by about 10:1 or more. The

microvilli on their apical surface provide

a 30-fold increase of surface area, not

only for the import of nutrients but also for

the anchorage of enzymes that perform

the final stages of extracellular digestion,

breaking down small peptides and

disaccharides into monomers that can be

transported across the cell membrane.

Goblet cells secrete mucus; these are

the commonest of the secretory cell

types. Paneth cells secrete (along with

some growth factors) cryptdins—proteins

of the defensin family that kill bacteria.

Different subtypes of enteroendocrine cells

secrete serotonin and peptide hormones

into the gut wall (and thence the blood).

Cholecystokinin is a hormone released

from enteroendocrine cells in response

to the presence of nutrients in the gut. It

binds to receptors on nearby sensory nerve

endings, which relay a signal to the brain

to stop the feeling of hunger once one has

eaten enough. (After T.L. Lentz, Cell Fine

Structure. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1971;

R. Krstić, Illustrated Encyclopedia

of Human Histology. Berlin:

Springer-Verlag, 1984.)

The Two Daughters of a Stem Cell Face a Choice

Stem cells have a critical role in a variety of tissues, and it is useful to list their

defining properties:

1. A stem cell is not itself terminally differentiated: that is, it is not at the end

of a pathway of differentiation.

2. It can divide without limit (or at least for the lifetime of the animal).

3. When it divides, each daughter has a choice: it can either remain a stem

cell, or it can embark on a course that commits it to terminal differentiation

(Figure 22–3).

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