Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Feedback inhibition is negative regulation: it prevents an enzyme from acting.

Enzymes can also be subject to positive regulation, in which a regulatory molecule

stimulates the enzyme’s activity rather than shutting the enzyme down. Positive

regulation occurs when a product in one branch of the metabolic network stimulates

the activity of an enzyme in another pathway. As one example, the accumulation

of ADP activates several enzymes involved in the oxidation of sugar molecules,

thereby stimulating the cell to convert more ADP to ATP.

Allosteric Enzymes Have Two or More Binding Sites That Interact

A striking feature of both positive and negative feedback regulation is that the regulatory

molecule often has a shape totally different from the shape of the substrate

of the enzyme. This is why the effect on a protein is termed allostery (from the

Greek words allos, meaning “other,” and stereos, meaning “solid” or “three-dimensional”).

As biologists learned more about feedback regulation, they recognized

that the enzymes involved must have at least two different binding sites on their

surface—an active site that recognizes the substrates, and a regulatory site that

recognizes a regulatory molecule. These two sites must somehow communicate

so that the catalytic events at the active site can be influenced by the binding of the

regulatory molecule at its separate site on the protein’s surface.

The interaction between separated sites on a protein molecule is now known

to depend on a conformational change in the protein: binding at one of the sites

causes a shift from one folded shape to a slightly different folded shape. During

feedback inhibition, for example, the binding of an inhibitor at one site on the

protein causes the protein to shift to a conformation that incapacitates its active

site located elsewhere in the protein.

It is thought that most protein molecules are allosteric. They can adopt two or

more slightly different conformations, and a shift from one to another caused by

the binding of a ligand can alter their activity. This is true not only for enzymes

but also for many other proteins, including receptors, structural proteins, and

motor proteins. In all instances of allosteric regulation, each conformation of the

protein has somewhat different surface contours, and the protein’s binding sites

for ligands are altered when the protein changes shape. Moreover, as we discuss

next, each ligand will stabilize the conformation that it binds to most strongly, and

thus—at high enough concentrations—will tend to “switch” the protein toward

the conformation that the ligand prefers.

Two Ligands Whose Binding Sites Are Coupled Must Reciprocally

Affect Each Other’s Binding

The effects of ligand binding on a protein follow from a fundamental chemical

principle known as linkage. Suppose, for example, that a protein that binds glucose

also binds another molecule, X, at a distant site on the protein’s surface. If

the binding site for X changes shape as part of the conformational change in the

protein induced by glucose binding, the binding sites for X and for glucose are

said to be coupled. Whenever two ligands prefer to bind to the same conformation

of an allosteric protein, it follows from basic thermodynamic principles that each

ligand must increase the affinity of the protein for the other. For example, if the

shift of a protein to a conformation that binds glucose best also causes the binding

site for X to fit X better, then the protein will bind glucose more tightly when X is

present than when X is absent. In other words, X will positively regulate the protein’s

binding of glucose (Figure 3–57).

Conversely, linkage operates in a negative way if two ligands prefer to bind

to different conformations of the same protein. In this case, the binding of the

first ligand discourages the binding of the second ligand. Thus, if a shape change

caused by glucose binding decreases the affinity of a protein for molecule X, the

binding of X must also decrease the protein’s affinity for glucose (Figure 3–58).

The linkage relationship is quantitatively reciprocal, so that, for example, if glucose

has a very large effect on the binding of X, X has a very large effect on the

binding of glucose.

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