Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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companies immunity from prosecution for vaccine death and injury

in the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) and

since then the government (taxpayer) has been funding

compensation for the consequences of Big Pharma vaccines. The

criminal and satanic drug giants can’t lose and the vaccine schedule

has increased dramatically since 1986 for this reason. There is no

incentive to make vaccines safe and a big incentive to make money

by introducing ever more. Even against a ridiculously high bar to

prove vaccine liability, and with the government controlling the

hearing in which it is being challenged for compensation, the vaccine

court has so far paid out more than $4 billion. These are the vaccines

we are told are safe and psychopaths like Zuckerberg censor posts

saying otherwise. The immunity law was even justified by a ruling

that vaccines by their nature were ‘unavoidably unsafe’.

Check out the ingredients of vaccines and you will be shocked if

you are new to this. They put that in children’s bodies?? What?? Try

aluminium, a brain toxin connected to dementia, aborted foetal

tissue and formaldehyde which is used to embalm corpses. Worldrenowned

aluminium expert Christopher Exley had his research into

the health effect of aluminium in vaccines shut down by Keele

University in the UK when it began taking funding from the Bill and

Melinda Gates Foundation. Research when diseases ‘eradicated’ by

vaccines began to decline and you will find the fall began long before

the vaccine was introduced. Sometimes the fall even plateaued a er

the vaccine. Diseases like scarlet fever for which there was no

vaccine declined in the same way because of environmental and

other factors. A perfect case in point is the polio vaccine. Polio began

when lead arsenate was first sprayed as an insecticide and residues

remained in food products. Spraying started in 1892 and the first US

polio epidemic came in Vermont in 1894. The simple answer was to

stop spraying, but Rockefeller-created Big Pharma had a be er idea.

Polio was decreed to be caused by the poliovirus which ‘spreads from

person to person and can infect a person’s spinal cord’. Lead

arsenate was replaced by the lethal DDT which had the same effect

of causing paralysis by damaging the brain and central nervous

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