Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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to assume’. ‘But doctor,’ Mooney rightly protested, ‘an assumption

isn’t a diagnosis.’ She said she didn’t blame the perfectly decent and

sympathetic doctor – ‘he was just doing his job’. Sorry, but that’s

bullshit. He wasn’t doing his job at all. He was pu ing a false cause of

death on the death certificate and that is a criminal offence for which

he should be brought to account and the same with the millions of

doctors worldwide who have done the same. They were not doing

their job they were following orders and that must not wash at new

Nuremberg trials any more than it did at the first ones. Mooney’s

doctor was ‘assuming’ (presuming) as he was told to, but ‘just

following orders’ makes no difference to his actions. A doctor’s job is

to serve the patient and the truth, not follow orders, but that’s what

they have done all over the world and played a central part in

making the ‘Covid’ hoax possible with all its catastrophic

consequences for humanity. Shame on them and they must answer

for their actions. Mooney said her disquiet worsened when she

registered her father’s death by telephone and was told by the

registrar there had been very many other cases like hers where ‘the

deceased’ had not tested positive for ‘Covid’ yet it was recorded as

the cause of death. The test may not ma er, but those involved at

their level think it ma ers and it shows a callous disregard for

accurate diagnosis. The pressure to do this is coming from the top of

the national ‘health’ pyramids which in turn obey the World Health

Organization which obeys Gates and the Cult. Mooney said the

registrar agreed that this must distort the national figures adding

that ‘the strangest thing is that every winter we record countless

deaths from flu, and this winter there have been none. Not one!’ She

asked if the registrar thought deaths from flu were being

misdiagnosed and lumped together with ‘Covid’ deaths. The answer

was a ‘puzzled yes’. Mooney said that the funeral director said the

same about ‘Covid’ deaths which had nothing to do with ‘Covid’.

They had lost count of the number of families upset by this and

other funeral companies in different countries have had the same

experience. Mooney wrote:

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