Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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when the same force behind current events did precisely that 80

years ago. Margaret Sanger was a Cult operative who used ‘birth

control’ to sanitise her programme of eugenics. Organisations she

founded became what is now Planned Parenthood. Sanger proposed

that ‘the whole dysgenic population would have its choice of

segregation or sterilization’. These included epileptics, ‘feebleminded’,

and prostitutes. Sanger opposed charity because it

perpetuated ‘human waste‘. She reveals the Cult mentality and if

anyone thinks that extermination camps are a ‘conspiracy theory’

their naivety is touching if breathtakingly stupid.

If you don’t believe that doctors can act with callous disregard for

their patients it is worth considering that doctors and medical staff

agreed to put government-decreed DNR orders on medical files and

do nothing when resuscitation is called for. I don’t know what you

call such people in your house. In mine they are Nazis from the Josef

Mengele School of Medicine. Phenomenal numbers of old people

have died worldwide from the effects of lockdown, depression, lack

of treatment, the ‘vaccine’ (more later) and losing the will to live. A

common response at the start of the manufactured pandemic was to

remove old people from hospital beds and transfer them to nursing

homes. The decision would result in a mass cull of elderly people in

those homes through lack of treatment – not ‘Covid’. Care home

whistleblowers have told how once the ‘Covid’ era began doctors

would not come to their homes to treat patients and they were

begging for drugs like antibiotics that o en never came. The most

infamous example was ordered by New York governor Andrew

Cuomo, brother of a moronic CNN host, who amazingly was given

an Emmy Award for his handling of the ‘Covid crisis’ by the

ridiculous Wokers that hand them out. Just how ridiculous could be

seen in February, 2021, when a Department of Justice and FBI

investigation began into how thousands of old people in New York

died in nursing homes a er being discharged from hospital to make

way for ‘Covid’ patients on Cuomo’s say-so – and how he and his

staff covered up these facts. This couldn’t have happened to a nicer

psychopath. Even then there was a ‘Covid’ spin. Reports said that

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