Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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In the chromosomes of eukaryotes, DNA is uniformly assembled into nucleosomes,

but a variety of different chromatin structures is possible. This variety is based on a

large set of reversible covalent modifications of the four histones in the nucleosome

core. These modifications include the mono-, di-, and trimethylation of many different

lysine side chains, an important reaction that is incompatible with the acetylation

that can occur on the same lysines. Specific combinations of the modifications

mark many nucleosomes, governing their interactions with other proteins. These

marks are read when protein modules that are part of a larger protein complex

bind to the modified nucleosomes in a region of chromatin. These reader proteins

then attract additional proteins that perform various functions.

Some reader protein complexes contain a histone-modifying enzyme, such as a

histone lysine methylase, that “writes” the same mark that the reader recognizes. A

reader–writer–remodeling complex of this type can spread a specific form of chromatin

along a chromosome. In particular, large regions of condensed heterochromatin

are thought to be formed in this way. Heterochromatin is commonly found

around centromeres and near telomeres, but it is also present at many other positions

in chromosomes. The tight packaging of DNA into heterochromatin usually

silences the genes within it.

The phenomenon of position effect variegation provides strong evidence for the

inheritance of condensed states of chromatin from one cell generation to the next. A

similar mechanism appears to be responsible for maintaining the specialized chromatin

at centromeres. More generally, the ability to propagate specific chromatin

structures across cell generations makes possible an epigenetic cell memory process

that plays a role in maintaining the set of different cell states required by complex

multicellular organisms.


Having discussed the DNA and protein molecules from which the chromatin fiber

is made, we now turn to the organization of the chromosome on a more global

scale and the way in which its various domains are arranged in space. As a 30-nm

fiber, a typical human chromosome would still be 0.1 cm in length and able to

span the nucleus more than 100 times. Clearly, there must be a still higher level

of folding, even in interphase chromosomes. Although the molecular details are

still largely a mystery, this higher-order packaging almost certainly involves the

folding of the chromatin into a series of loops and coils. This chromatin packing is

fluid, frequently changing in response to the needs of the cell.

We begin this section by describing some unusual interphase chromosomes

that can be easily visualized. Exceptional though they are, these special cases

reveal features that are thought to be representative of all interphase chromosomes.

Moreover, they provide ways to investigate some fundamental aspects of

chromatin structure that we have touched on in the previous section. Next, we

describe how a typical interphase chromosome is arranged in the mammalian

cell nucleus. Finally, we shall discuss the additional tenfold compaction that chromosomes

undergo in the passage from interphase to mitosis.

Chromosomes Are Folded into Large Loops of Chromatin

Insight into the structure of the chromosomes in interphase cells has come from

studies of the stiff and enormously extended chromosomes in growing amphibian

oocytes (immature eggs). These very unusual lampbrush chromosomes (the

largest chromosomes known), paired in preparation for meiosis, are clearly visible

even in the light microscope, where they are seen to be organized into a series

of large chromatin loops emanating from a linear chromosomal axis (Figure 4–46

and Figure 4–47).

In these chromosomes, a given loop always contains the same DNA sequence

that remains extended in the same manner as the oocyte grows. These chromosomes

are producing large amounts of RNA for the oocyte, and most of the genes

10 µm




extended chromatin

in looped domain






Figure 4–46 A model for the chromatin

domains in a lampbrush chromosome.

Shown is a small portion of one pair of

sister chromatids. MBoC6 n4.126/4.47 Here, two identical DNA

double helices are aligned side by side,

packaged into different types of chromatin.

The set of lampbrush chromosomes

in many amphibians contains a total of

about 10,000 loops resembling those

shown here. The rest of the DNA in each

chromosome (the great majority) remains

highly condensed. Four copies of each

loop are present in the cell, since each

lampbrush chromosome consists of two

aligned sets of paired chromatids. This

four-stranded structure is characteristic of

this stage of development of the oocyte,

which has arrested at the diplotene stage

of meiosis; see Figure 17–56.

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