Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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I:18 Index

oxidation of organic molecules 54–55

of protein folding 114–115, 549

see also free energy

energy conservation 52–54

energy storage

as fat 78–79

as starch 80–81

through coupled reactions 76–78

Engrailed gene (Drosophila) 1160–1161,


engrailed protein (Drosophila) 120

enhancers 312, 1175

see also cis-regulatory sequences

enkephalins 744

enolase 105

enterocytes see absorptive cells

enteroendocrine cells 1218, 1219F, 1221,


entrainment 877–878

entropy 52–53, 60, 103

enveloped viruses 1274, 1275F, 1280,

1286, 1287F, 1288

viral envelopes 1275F, 1280–1281,


environmental cues

cell migration 1185–1186

metamorphosis of amphibians 1182

plant flowering times 1182–1184

environmental factors

identical twin studies 412

stem cell fates 1222

enzyme amplification in microscopy 540

enzyme cascades 848, 873, 881

enzyme-coupled receptors

as cell-surface receptor class 818F,


insulin receptor as 824F

receptor serine/threonine kinases as


RTKs as 837F

enzyme kinetics 141–144

enzyme-substrate complexes

formation by collision 59–60

lysozyme example 146F


activation energy effects 57–58

activation sequence for Src kinases


allostery 151–153

cellular compartmentalization


choice of reaction pathways 58, 59F

classes and nomenclature of 140T

concentrations and metabolic rate


DNA repair function 266

electrostatic attractions in 95

multienzyme complexes 148

“perfect enzymes” 143

positive and negative regulation

149–151, 152F

as protein catalysts 6, 51

as proteins 48

specificity as catalysts 140–141

speed of molecular motions and


zymogens as proenzymes 736

eosinophils 1239, 1240F, 1241, 1245,

1302F, 1317

EPEC (enteropathogenic E. coli) 1278

ephrin-Eph binding/EphrinB 1224

ephrin proteins 850T, 858, 1188, 1206,


epidermal stem cells 1225–1226

epidermolysis bullosa 947, 949, 1069

epigenetic changes

in cancer cells 1094, 1096–1097,

1109–1111, 1125–1126

nuclear reprogramming and


tumor suppressor gene inactivation


epigenetic inheritance

and chromatin structure 194,

204–206, 409–411

of gene expression 411–412

mechanisms acting in cis and trans

412, 413F

epilepsy 627, 913F

epinephrine see adrenaline

epistasis analysis 490


basal lamina and 1035, 1062,


cell-cell junctions 1044–1049

cell-matrix attachments 1036F

hemidesmosomes in 1076

mesenchymal interactions 1190

planar cell polarity 1189–1190

protection by mucus 719–720, 749,

1276–1277, 1298

simple columnar epithelia 1036, 1047

stem cells in 1217–1227

epithelial barrier to infection 1265, 1276–

1277, 1298

epithelial cells

adherens junctions 1044

apical and basolateral domains 749,

893, 1036, 1047

aquaporins 612

carcinomas as cancers of 1092

keratin filaments in 946

keratocytes as 953

polarization 749, 1047

renewal, in colon and rectum 1122

transport of solutes 605

epithelial tubes 1045

epithelial–mesenchymal transitions 1042,


epitope tagging 450–451

Epulopiscium fishelsoni 13F

equilibrium binding experiments 458,


equilibrium centrifugation 672

equilibrium constants

actin polymerization 900, 902

deriving from standard free energy

changes ∆G° 62–63, 63T, 139F

protein binding strength and 138–140,


protein-promoter complexes 511

equilibrium potential, Nernst equation 616

equilibrium reactions

ATP synthesis and hydrolysis


energetics of 61–63, 103

enzymes and 58

see also reversible reactions

equilibrium sedimentation 447

ER see endoplasmic reticulum

eraser enzymes 201

ERk (MAP kinases) 856–857, 861F

ERM protein family (ezrin, radixin, and

moesin) 905, 913

error correction

in DNA synthesis 243–245, 250–251

proofreading 339, 344–345

by tRNA synthetases 338–339

see also quality control

error rates

DNA replication and RNA synthesis

244, 244T

meiosis 1010

and viral evolution 1291

errors in data 525

erythrocytes see red blood cells

erythropoietin 864T, 1011, 1244–1245

ES cells see stem cells, embryonic

Escherichia coli (E. coli) 13F, 16F

ABC transporters 609

arabinose metabolism 521–523

DNA replication 255, 256F

enteropathogenic (EPEC) 1278

F plasmid 469

gene transcription 380–381

genome 22, 23F, 1269

as Gram-negative 1267F

historical importance 22

homologous recombination 279

horizontal gene transfer in 19

Lac operon 382–383

mutation rates 237

promoters 308F

rRNA genes 327

strand-directed mismatch repair 250

universal gene families and 21T

ESCRT complexes (Endosome Sorting

Complex Required for Transport)

intraluminal vesicle formation


ubiquitin-binding proteins 735

ESR (electron spin resonance)

spectroscopy 570

essential amino acids 86, 87F

estradiol 876F

ethidium bromide 466, 1024

ethylene, plant growth regulator 881–882,


eubacteria 15F

euchromatin and heterochromatin 194


ABC transporters in 163F, 609F, 610

cell cycle 185, 258, 964–966

cell features 24–25

cell lines 442–444

chromatin structure and chromosome

function 206

distinction from prokaryotes 12–15

DNA localization and packaging


DNA repair in 271, 281

DNA replication in 253–254

genomes 23–39

Homo sapiens as 16F

last common ancestor 880

mRNA compared to prokaryotic 316F

mutation rates 234

numbers of ribosomes 340

organelles common to all 641–643

plasma membrane composition 568,

572, 575–576

probable origins 24–26

protein kinase numbers 154–155

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