Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1198 Chapter 21: Development of Multicellular Organisms

extracellular signals. The mystery is how these processes are regulated and coordinated

to produce and maintain the characteristic final size of the adult organ or


Some signals such as survival factors, growth factors, and mitogens stimulate

growth by promoting cell survival, cell growth, and cell division, respectively, while

other signal molecules do the opposite. Although most of these signals operate

locally to help sculpt the size and shape of the animal, its organs, and appendages,

others act as hormones to regulate the growth of the animal as a whole. Nutrients

can regulate growth through hormonal signals in the entire body.

Many animals and organs can, by unknown mechanisms, assess their total cell

mass and regulate it. If, for example, cell size is artificially increased or decreased in

these cases, cell numbers adjust to maintain a normal total cell mass. Conversely, if

cell numbers are artificially increased or decreased, cell size adjusts to compensate.


The development of the nervous system poses problems that have little parallel

in other tissues. A typical nerve cell, or neuron, has a structure unlike that of any

other class of cells, with a long axon and branching dendrites, both of which make

many synaptic connections to other cells (Figure 21–66). The central challenge of

neural development is to explain how the axons and dendrites grow out, find their

right partners, and synapse with them selectively to create a neural network—an

electrical signaling system—that functions correctly to guide behavior (Figure

21–67). The problem is formidable: the human brain contains more than 10 11

neurons, each of which, on average, has to make connections with a thousand

others, according to a regular and predictable wiring plan. The precision required

is not so great as in a man-made computer, because the brain performs its computations

in a different way and is more tolerant of vagaries in individual components.

But the human brain nevertheless outstrips all other biological structures

in its organized complexity.

The components of a typical nervous system—the various classes of neurons,

glial cells, sensory cells, and muscles—originate in a number of widely separate

locations in the embryo. Thus, in the first phase of neural development, the different

parts of the nervous system develop according to their own local programs:

neurons are born and assigned specific characters according to the place and

time of their birth, under the control of inductive signals and transcription regulators,

by mechanisms of the types we have already discussed. In the next phase,

newborn neurons extend axons and dendrites along specific routes toward their

target cells, guided by extracellular signals that attract or repel them. In the third

phase, neurons form synapses with other neurons or muscle cells, setting up a

provisional but orderly network of connections. In the final phase, which continues

into adult life, the synaptic connections are adjusted and refined through

mechanisms that usually depend on synaptic signaling between the cells involved





axon (less than 1 mm to

more than 1 m in length)

cell body

terminal branches of axon make

synapses on target cells

25 µm

Figure 21–66 A typical neuron of a

vertebrate. The arrows indicate the

direction in which signals are conveyed.

The neuron shown is a basket cell, a type

of neuron in the cerebellum. (Adapted from

S. Ramón y Cajal, Histologie du Système

Nerveux de l’Homme et des Vertébrés,

1909–1911. Paris: Maloine; reprinted,

Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1972.)

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