Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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political ‘leaders’– law enforcement – The People. Through this

simple global communication and enforcement structure the policy

of the Cult could be imposed on virtually the entire human

population so long as they acquiesced to the fascism. With

everything in place it was time for the bu on to be pressed in late

2019/early 2020.

These were the prime goals the Cult had to secure for its will to


1) Locking down economies, closing all but designated ‘essential’ businesses (Cult-owned

corporations were ‘essential’), and pu ing the population under house arrest was an

imperative to destroy independent income and employment and ensure dependency on the

Cult-controlled state in the Hunger Games Society. Lockdowns had to be established as the

global blueprint from the start to respond to the ‘virus’ and followed by pre y much the

entire world.

2) The global population had to be terrified into believing in a deadly ‘virus’ that didn’t

actually exist so they would unquestioningly obey authority in the belief that authority

must know how best to protect them and their families. So ware salesman Gates would

suddenly morph into the world’s health expert and be promoted as such by the Cult-owned


3) A method of testing that wasn’t testing for the ‘virus’, but was only claimed to be, had to

be in place to provide the illusion of ‘cases’ and subsequent ‘deaths’ that had a very

different cause to the ‘Covid-19’ that would be scribbled on the death certificate.

4) Because there was no ‘virus’ and the great majority testing positive with a test not testing

for the ‘virus’ would have no symptoms of anything the lie had to be sold that people

without symptoms (without the ‘virus’) could still pass it on to others. This was crucial to

justify for the first time quarantining – house arresting – healthy people. Without this the

economy-destroying lockdown of everybody could not have been credibly sold.

5) The ‘saviour’ had to be seen as a vaccine which beyond evil drug companies were

working like angels of mercy to develop as quickly as possible, with all corners cut, to save

the day. The public must absolutely not know that the ‘vaccine’ had nothing to do with a

‘virus’ or that the contents were ready and waiting with a very different motive long before

the ‘Covid’ card was even li ed from the pack.

I said in March, 2020, that the ‘vaccine’ would have been created

way ahead of the ‘Covid’ hoax which justified its use and the

following December an article in the New York Intelligencer

magazine said the Moderna ‘vaccine’ had been ‘designed’ by

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