Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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would have been with a ‘deadly bioweapon’ and it is much more

effective if you sell the illusion of an infectious agent rather than

having a real one unless you can control through injection who has it

and who doesn’t. Otherwise you lose control of events. A made-up

‘virus’ gives you a blank sheet of paper on which you can make it do

whatever you like and have any symptoms or mutant ‘variants’ you

choose to add while a real infectious agent would limit you to what

it actually does. A phantom disease allows you to have endless

ludicrous ‘studies’ on the ‘Covid’ dollar to widen the perceived

impact by inventing ever more ‘at risk’ groups including one study

which said those who walk slowly may be almost four times more

likely to die from the ‘virus’. People are in psychiatric wards for less.

A real ‘deadly bioweapon’ can take out people in the hierarchy

that are not part of the Cult, but essential to its operation. Obviously

they don’t want that. Releasing a real disease means you

immediately lose control of it. Releasing an illusory one means you

don’t. Again it’s vital that people are extra careful when dealing with

what they want to hear. A bioweapon unleashed from a Chinese

laboratory in collusion with the American Deep State may fit a

conspiracy narrative, but is it true? Would it not be far more effective

to use the excuse of a ‘virus’ to justify the real bioweapon – the

‘vaccine’? That way your disease agent does not have to be

transmi ed and arrives directly through a syringe. I saw a French

virologist Luc Montagnier quoted in the alternative media as saying

he had discovered that the alleged ‘new’ severe acute respiratory

syndrome coronavirus , or SARS-CoV-2, was made artificially and

included elements of the human immunodeficiency ‘virus’ (HIV)

and a parasite that causes malaria. SARS-CoV-2 is alleged to trigger

an alleged illness called Covid-19. I remembered Montagnier’s name

from my research years before into claims that an HIV ‘retrovirus’

causes AIDs – claims that were demolished by Berkeley virologist

Peter Duesberg who showed that no one had ever proved that HIV

causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. Claims that

become accepted as fact, publicly and medically, with no proof

whatsoever are an ever-recurring story that profoundly applies to

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