Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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children are in reality teenage boys or older. Meanwhile Wokers

posture their self-purity for encouraging poor and tragic people to

come to America and face this nightmare both on the journey and at

the border with the disgusting figure of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

giving disingenuous speeches about caring for migrants. The

woman’s evil. Wokers condemned Trump for having children in

cages at the border (so did Obama, Shhhh), but now they are sleeping

on the floor without access to a shower with one border facility 729

percent over capacity. The Biden insanity even proposed flying

migrants from the southern border to the northern border with

Canada for ‘processing’. The whole shambles is being overseen by

ultra-Zionist Secretary of Homeland Security, the moronic liar

Alejandro Mayorkas, who banned news cameras at border facilities

to stop Americans seeing what was happening. Mayorkas said there

was not a ban on news crews; it was just that they were not allowed

to film. Alongside him at Homeland Security is another ultra-Zionist

Cass Sunstein appointed by Biden to oversee new immigration laws.

Sunstein despises conspiracy researchers to the point where he

suggests they should be banned or taxed for having such views. The

man is not bonkers or anything. He’s perfectly well-adjusted, but

adjusted to what is the question. Criticise what is happening and

you are a ‘white supremacist’ when earlier non-white immigrants

also oppose the numbers which effect their lives and opportunities.

Black people in poor areas are particularly damaged by uncontrolled

immigration and the increased competition for work opportunities

with those who will work for less. They are also losing voting power

as Hispanics become more dominant in former black areas. It’s a

downward spiral for them while the billionaires behind the policy

drone on about how much they care about black people and

‘racism’. None of this is about compassion for migrants or black

people – that’s just wind and air. Migrants are instead being

mercilessly exploited to transform America while the countries they

leave are losing their future and the same is true in Europe. Mass

immigration may now be the work of Woke Democrats, but it can be

traced back to the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (it

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