Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1294 Chapter 23: Pathogens and Infection

Because the acquisition of drug resistance is almost inevitable, it is crucial that

we continue to develop innovative treatments for infectious diseases. We must

also take additional measures to delay the onset of drug resistance.


All pathogens share the ability to interact with host cells in diverse ways that promote

the replication and spread of the pathogen. Pathogens often colonize the host

by adhering to or invading the epithelial surfaces that line the respiratory, gastrointestinal,

and urinary tracts, as well as the other body surfaces in direct contact with

the environment. Intracellular pathogens, including all viruses and many bacteria

and protozoa, invade host cells by one of several mechanisms. Viruses rely largely on

receptor-mediated endocytosis, whereas bacteria exploit cell adhesion and phagocytic

pathways; in both cases, the host cell provides the machinery and energy for

the invasion. Protozoa, by contrast, employ unique invasion strategies that usually

require significant metabolic expense on the part of the invader. Once inside, intracellular

pathogens seek out a cell compartment that is favorable for their survival

and replication, frequently altering host membrane traffic and exploiting the hostcell

cytoskeleton for intracellular movement. Pathogens evolve rapidly, so that new

infectious diseases frequently emerge, and old pathogens acquire new ways to evade

our attempts at treatment, prevention, and eradication.

What we don't know

• What are the genetic and molecular

features that differ between pathogens

and members of the normal human

microbiota? How can our immune

system distinguish between the two?

• To what extent are common hostcell

biological pathways and molecules

hijacked by diverse microbes?

• Can host-cell defense molecules be

mobilized by drugs to fight infection?


Which statements are true? Explain why or why not.

23–1 Our adult bodies harbor about 10 times more

microbial cells than human cells.

23–2 The microbiomes from healthy humans are all

very similar.

23–3 Pathogens must enter host cells to cause disease.

23–4 Viruses replicate their genomes in the nucleus of

the host cell.

23–5 You should not take antibiotics for diseases caused

by viruses.

Discuss the following problems.

23–6 In order to survive and multiply, a successful

pathogen must accomplish five tasks. Name them.

23–7 Clostridium difficile infection is the leading cause

of hospital-associated gastrointestinal illness. It is typically

treated with a course of antibiotics, but the infection recurs

in about 20% of cases. C. difficile infections are difficult to

eradicate because the bacteria exist in two forms: a replicating,

toxin-producing form and a spore form that is resistant

to antibiotics. Fecal microbiota transplantation—the

transfer of normal gut microbiota from a healthy individual—can

resolve >90% of recurrent infections, a much better

cure rate than further antibiotic treatment alone. Why

do you suppose microbiota transplantation is so effective?

23–8 What are the three general mechanisms for horizontal

gene transfer?

23–9 The Gram-negative bacterium Yersinia pestis, the

causative agent of the plague, is extremely virulent. Upon

infection, Y. pestis injects a set of effector proteins into

macrophages that suppresses their phagocytic behavior

and also interferes with their innate immune responses.

One of the effector proteins, YopJ, acetylates serines and

threonines on various MAP kinases, including the MAP

kinase kinase kinase TAK1, which controls a key signaling

step in the innate immune response pathway. To determine

how YopJ interferes with TAK1, you transfect human

cells with active YopJ (YopJ WT ) or inactive YopJ (YopJ CA )

and with FLAG-tagged active TAK1 (TAK1 WT ) or inactive

TAK1 (TAK1 K63W ), and assay for total TAK1 and for phosphorylated

TAK1, using antibodies against the FLAG tag or

against phosphorylated TAK1 (Figure Q23–1). How does

YopJ block the TAK1 signaling pathway? How do you suppose

the serine/threonine acetylase activity of YopJ might

interfere with TAK1 activation?




IB: α-pTAK1




1 2 3 4



Figure Q23–1 Effects of YopJ on TAK1 phosphorylation (Problem

23–9). TAK1 was immunoprecipitated (IP) using antibodies against

the FLAG tag (α-FLAG-TAK1). Total TAK1 in the immunoprecipitation

was assayed by immunoblot (IB) using the same antibody.

Phosphorylated TAK1 was assayed by IB using antibodies specific

for phospho-TAK1 (α-pTAK1). A scale of protein molecular mass is

shown at right in kilodaltons. (From N. Paquette et al., Proc. Natl

Acad. Sci. USA 109:12710–12715, 2012. With permission from

National Academy of Sciences.)



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