Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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realms of possibility which allow expanded potential for

manifestation. People broadcasting the same vibe from the same

openness of mind tend to be drawn ‘by chance’ to each other

through what I call frequency magnetism and it’s not only people. In

the last more than 30 years incredible synchronicity has also led me

through the Cult maze to information in so many forms and to

crucial personal experiences. These ‘coincidences’ have allowed me

to put the puzzle pieces together across an enormous array of

subjects and situations. Those who have breached the bubble of fivesense

reality will know exactly what I mean and this escape from the

perceptual prison cell is open to everyone whenever they make that

choice. This may appear super-human when compared with the

limitations of ‘human’, but it’s really our natural state. ‘Human’ as

currently experienced is consciousness in an unnatural state of

induced separation from the infinity of the whole. I’ll come to how

this transformation into unity can be made when I have described in

more detail the force that holds humanity in servitude by denying

this access to infinite self.

The Wetiko factor

I have been talking and writing for decades about the way five-sense

mind is systematically barricaded from expanded awareness. I have

used the analogy of a computer (five-sense mind) and someone at

the keyboard (expanded awareness). Interaction between the

computer and the operator is symbolic of the interaction between

five-sense mind and expanded awareness. The computer directly

experiences the Internet and the operator experiences the Internet

via the computer which is how it’s supposed to be – the two working

as one. Archons seek to control that point where the operator

connects with the computer to stop that interaction (Fig 20). Now the

operator is banging the keyboard and clicking the mouse, but the

computer is not responding and this happens when the computer is

taken over – possessed – by an appropriately-named computer ‘virus’.

The operator has lost all influence over the computer which goes its

own way making decisions under the control of the ‘virus’. I have

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