Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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122 Chapter 3: Proteins

Figure 3–16 An extended structure formed from a series of protein

domains. Four fibronectin type 3 domains (see Figure 3–15) from the

extracellular matrix molecule fibronectin are illustrated in (A) ribbon and (B)

space-filling models. (Adapted from D.J. Leahy, I. Aukhil and H.P. Erickson,

Cell 84:155–164, 1996. With permission from Elsevier.)

A second feature of these protein domains that explains their utility is the ease

with which they can be integrated into other proteins. Two of the three domains

illustrated in Figure 3–15 have their N- and C-terminal ends at opposite poles of

the domain. When the DNA encoding such a domain undergoes tandem duplication,

which is not unusual in the evolution of genomes (discussed in Chapter 4),

the duplicated domains with this “in-line” arrangement can be readily linked in

series to form extended structures—either with themselves or with other in-line

domains (Figure 3–16). Stiff extended structures composed of a series of domains

are especially common in extracellular matrix molecules and in the extracellular

portions of cell-surface receptor proteins. Other frequently used domains, including

the kringle domain illustrated in Figure 3–15 and the SH2 domain, are of a

“plug-in” type, with their N- and C-termini close together. After genomic rearrangements,

such domains are usually accommodated as an insertion into a loop

region of a second protein.

A comparison of the relative frequency of domain utilization in different

eukaryotes reveals that, for many common domains, such as protein kinases, this

frequency is similar in organisms as diverse as yeast, plants, worms, flies, and

humans. But there are some notable exceptions, such as the Major Histocompatibility

Complex (MHC) antigen-recognition domain (see Figure 24–36) that

is present in 57 copies in humans, but absent in the other four organisms just

mentioned. Domains such as these have specialized functions that are not shared

with the other eukaryotes; they are assumed to have been strongly selected for

during recent evolution to produce the multiple copies observed. Similarly, the

SH2 domain shows an unusual increase in its numbers in higher eukaryotes; such

domains might be assumed to be especially useful for multicellularity.

Certain Pairs of Domains Are Found Together in Many Proteins

We can construct a large table displaying domain usage for each organism whose

genome sequence is known. For example, the human genome contains the DNA

sequences for about 1000 immunoglobulin domains, 500 protein kinase domains,

250 DNA-binding homeodomains, 300 SH3 domains, and 120 SH2 domains. In

addition, we find that more than two-thirds of all proteins consist of two or more

domains, and that the same pairs of domains occur repeatedly in the same relative

arrangement in a protein. Although half of all domain families are common

to archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes, only about 5% of the two-domain combinations

are similarly shared. This pattern suggests that most proteins containing

especially useful two-domain combinations arose through domain shuffling relatively

late in evolution.

The Human Genome Encodes a Complex Set of Proteins,

Revealing That Much Remains Unknown

The result of sequencing the human genome has been surprising, because it

reveals that our chromosomes contain only about 21,000 protein-coding genes.

Based on this number alone, we would appear to be no more complex than the

tiny mustard weed, Arabidopsis, and only about 1.3-fold more complex than a

nematode worm. The genome sequences also reveal that vertebrates have inherited

nearly all of their protein domains from invertebrates—with only 7% of identified

human domains being vertebrate-specific.

Each of our proteins is on average more complicated, however (Figure 3–17).

Domain shuffling during vertebrate evolution has given rise to many novel











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Ep1 PHD PHD Ep2 Br


Figure 3–17 Domain structure of a group

of evolutionarily related proteins that

are thought to have a similar function. In

general, there is a tendency for the proteins

in more complex organisms, such as

humans, to contain additional domains—as

is the case for the DNA-binding protein

compared here.

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