Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Once the Italian segment of the Psyop had done the job it was

designed to do a very different story emerged. Italian authorities

revealed that 99 percent of those who had ‘died from Covid-19’ in

Italy had one, two, three, or more ‘co-morbidities’ or illnesses and

health problems that could have ended their life. The US Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a figure of 94

percent for Americans dying of ‘Covid’ while having other serious

medical conditions – on average two to three (some five or six) other

potential causes of death. In terms of death from an unproven ‘virus’

I say it is 100 percent. The other one percent in Italy and six percent

in the US would presumably have died from ‘Covid’s’ flu-like

symptoms with a range of other possible causes in conjunction with

a test not testing for the ‘virus’. Fox News reported that even more

startling figures had emerged in one US county in which 410 of 422

deaths a ributed to ‘Covid-19’ had other potentially deadly health

conditions. The Italian National Health Institute said later that the

average age of people dying with a ‘Covid-19’ diagnosis in Italy was

about 81. Ninety percent were over 70 with ten percent over 90. In

terms of other reasons to die some 80 percent had two or more

chronic diseases with half having three or more including

cardiovascular problems, diabetes, respiratory problems and cancer.

Why is the phantom ‘Covid-19’ said to kill overwhelmingly old

people and hardly affect the young? Old people continually die of

many causes and especially respiratory disease which you can rediagnose

‘Covid-19’ while young people die in tiny numbers by

comparison and rarely of respiratory disease. Old people ‘die of

Covid’ because they die of other things that can be redesignated

‘Covid’ and it really is that simple.

Flu has flown

The blueprint was in place. Get your illusory ‘cases’ from a test not

testing for the ‘virus’ and redesignate other causes of death as

‘Covid-19’. You have an instant ‘pandemic’ from something that is

nothing more than a computer-generated fiction. With near-on a

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