Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1184 Chapter 21: Development of Multicellular Organisms

Mutations affecting the regulation of Flc expression alter the time of flowering

and thus the ability of a plant to flourish in a given climate. The whole control system

governing the switch to flowering is thus of vital importance for agriculture,

especially in an era of rapid climate change.

The example of vernalization suggests a general point about the role of chromatin

modification in developmental timing. The plant uses changes in chromatin

to record its experience of prolonged cold. It may be that in other organisms—animals

as well as plants—slow, progressive changes in chromatin structure provide

long-term timers for those mysterious developmental processes that unfold

slowly, over a period of days, weeks, months, or years. Such chromatin timers may

be among the most important clocks in the embryo, but as yet we understand very

little about them.


Developmental timing is controlled at many levels. It takes time to switch a gene on

or off, and this time delay depends on the lifetimes of the molecules involved, which

can vary widely. Cascades of gene regulation involve cascades of delays. Feedback

loops can give rise to temporal oscillations in gene expression, and these may serve

to generate spatially periodic structures. During vertebrate segmentation, for example,

expression of the Hes genes oscillates, and one new pair of somites is formed

during each oscillation cycle. Hes genes encode transcription repressor proteins that

can act back on expression of the Hes genes themselves. This negative feedback generates

oscillations with a period that reflects the delay in the autoregulatory gene

switching loop. The period of oscillation of this “segmentation clock” controls the

sizes of the somites. Notch signaling between neighboring cells synchronizes their

oscillations: when Notch signaling fails, the cells drift out of synchrony because of

genetic noise in their individual clocks, and the segmental organization of the vertebral

column is disrupted.

Timing does not always depend on cell–cell interactions; many developing animal

cells have intrinsic developmental programs that play out even in isolated cells

in culture. Neuroblasts in Drosophila embryos, for example, go through set programs

of asymmetric divisions, generating different neural cell types at each division

with a predictable sequence and timing, through a cascade of gene switching

events. Studies in both vertebrates and invertebrates show that such programs are

rarely governed by the timing of cell division and can unfold even when cell division

is blocked. MicroRNAs produced at critical moments sharpen developmental transitions

by blocking the translation and promoting the degradation of specific sets

of mRNAs. Global coordination of developmental timing is achieved by hormones:

as a tadpole grows, for example, thyroid hormone levels surge and trigger its metamorphosis

into a frog. Environmental control of developmental timing is especially

striking in plants and reveals the presence of molecular timers that act over the long

term. In vernalization, for example, prolonged cold induces changes in chromatin

that chart the passage through winter so as to allow flowering only in the spring.

Slow, progressive changes in chromatin structure are likely to be important timers

in the long-term programming of development in animals too.


The specialization of cells into distinct types at specific times is important, but it

is only one aspect of animal development. Equally important are the movements

and deformations that cells go through to assemble into tissues and organs with

specific shapes and sizes. Like developmental timing, this process of morphogenesis

(“form generation”) is less well understood than the processes of differential

gene expression and inductive signaling that lead to cell-type specialization. The

cell movements can be readily described, but the underlying molecular mechanisms

that coordinate the movements are much harder to decipher.

In Chapter 19, we saw how cells cohere to form epithelial sheets or surround

themselves with extracellular matrix to create connective tissues. We also discussed

how the basic features of tissues, such as the polarity of epithelia, arise

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