Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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what you want to hear than those who are telling you otherwise.

Obviously as I said earlier people wish what they want to hear to be

true and genuine and they are much more likely to believe that than

someone saying what they don’t want to here and don’t want to be

true. Sales people are taught to be skilled in eliciting by calculated

questioning what their customers want to hear and repeating that

back to them as their own opinion to get their targets to like and

trust them. Assets of the Cult are also sales people in the sense of

selling perception. To read Cult manipulation you have to play the

long and expanded game and not fall for the Vaudeville show of

party politics. Both American parties are vehicles for the Cult and

they exploit them in different ways depending on what the agenda

requires at that moment. Trump and the Republicans were used to

be the focus of dividing America and isolating Pushbackers to open

the way for a Biden presidency to become the most extreme in

American history by advancing the full-blown Woke (Cult) agenda

with the aim of destroying and silencing Pushbackers now labelled

Nazi Trump supporters and white supremacists.

Sabbatians wanted Trump in office for the reasons described by

ultra-Zionist Saul Alinsky (1909-1972) who was promoting the Woke

philosophy through ‘community organising’ long before anyone had

heard of it. In those days it still went by its traditional name of

Marxism. The reason for the manipulated Trump phenomenon was

laid out in Alinsky’s 1971 book, Rules for Radicals, which was his

blueprint for overthrowing democratic and other regimes and

replacing them with Sabbatian Marxism. Not surprisingly his to-do

list was evident in the Sabbatian French and Russian ‘Revolutions’

and that in China which will become very relevant in the next

chapter about the ‘Covid’ hoax. Among Alinsky’s followers have

been the deeply corrupt Barack Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

and Hillary Clinton who described him as a ‘hero’. All three are

Sabbatian stooges with Pelosi personifying the arrogant corrupt

idiocy that so widely fronts up for the Cult inner core. Predictably as

a Sabbatian advocate of the ‘light-bringer’ Alinsky features Lucifer

on the dedication page of his book as the original radical who gained

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