Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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the molecular lifetimes) for both the mRNA and the protein molecules. Somewhat

counterintuitively, it is the combined length of these delays, rather than the rate

of molecular synthesis (the number of molecules synthesized per second), that

chiefly determines the switching time.

The same additive principle applies to long cascades of gene switching, where

gene A activates gene B, and gene B activates gene C, and so on. It also applies

in other circumstances, such as in signaling pathways where one protein directly

regulates the activation of the next. In all these cases, molecular lifetimes, along

with gestation delays, play a key part in determining the pace of development.

The lifetimes of mRNA and protein molecules are enormously variable, from a few

minutes or hours to days or more, explaining much of the variation we see in the

tempo of developmental events.

Gene switching delays, however, are not the be-all and end-all of developmental

timing. Development involves many other kinds of delay that contribute

to timing. Chromatin structure takes time to remodel. Inductive signals take time

to diffuse across a field of cells (see Figure 21–9). Cells take time to move and rearrange

themselves in space. Nevertheless, the timing of gene switching plays a fundamental

part in developmental timing, as illustrated in an especially clear and

striking way by a gene-expression oscillator that controls the segmentation of the

vertebrate body axis, as we now explain.

A Gene-Expression Oscillator Acts as a Clock to Control

Vertebrate Segmentation

The main body axis of all vertebrates has a repetitive, periodic structure, seen in

the series of vertebrae, ribs, and segmental muscles of the neck, trunk, and tail.

These segmental structures originate from the mesoderm that lies as a long slab

on either side of the embryonic midline. This slab becomes broken up into a regular

repetitive series of separate blocks, or somites—cohesive groups of cells, separated

by clefts (Figure 21–38A). The somites form (as bilateral pairs) one after

another, in a regular rhythm, starting in the region of the head and ending in the

tail. Depending on the species, the final number of somites ranges from less than

40 (in a frog or a zebrafish) to more than 300 (in a snake).

The posterior, most immature part of the mesodermal slab, called the presomitic

mesoderm, supplies the required cells: as the cells proliferate, this mesoderm



cells arrested at trough

of oscillation cycle




neural tube

cells arrested at peak presomitic mesoderm

of oscillation cycle

most recently formed

pair of somites


slowing down


at 1 cycle every 90 min

1 mm

tail moves

back as new

somites form

Figure 21–38 Somite formation in the

chick embryo. (A) A chick embryo at 40

hours of incubation. (B) How the temporal

oscillation of gene expression in the

presomitic mesoderm becomes converted

into a spatial alternating pattern of gene

expression in the formed somites. In the

posterior part of the presomitic mesoderm,

each cell oscillates with a cycle time of 90

minutes. As cells mature and emerge from

the presomitic region, their oscillation is

gradually slowed down and finally brought

to a halt, leaving them in a state that

depends on the phase of the cycle they

happen to be in at the critical moment.

In this way, a temporal oscillation of gene

expression traces out an alternating spatial

pattern. (A, from Y.J. Jiang, L. Smithers and

J. Lewis, Curr. Biol. 8:R868–R871, 1998.

With permission from Elsevier.)

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