Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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The electrochemical gradient across the inner membrane of a respiring mitochondrion

is typically about 180 mV (inside negative), and it consists of a membrane

potential of about 150 mV and a pH gradient of about 0.5 to 0.6 pH units

(each ∆pH of 1 pH unit is equivalent to a membrane potential of about 60 mV).

The electrochemical gradient drives not only ATP synthesis but also the transport

of selected molecules across the inner mitochondrial membrane, including the

import of selected proteins from the cytoplasm (discussed in Chapter 12).


The mitochondrion performs most cellular oxidations and produces the bulk of the

animal cell’s ATP. A mitochondrion has two separate membranes: the outer membrane

and the inner membrane. The inner membrane surrounds the innermost

space (the matrix) of the mitochondrion and forms the cristae, which project into

the matrix. The matrix and the inner membrane cristae are the major working parts

of the mitochondrion. The membranes that form cristae account for a major part

of the membrane surface area in most cells, and they contain the mitochondrion’s

electron-transport chain (the respiratory chain).

The mitochondrial matrix contains a large variety of enzymes, including those

that convert pyruvate and fatty acids to acetyl CoA and those that oxidize this acetyl

CoA to CO 2 through the citric acid cycle. These oxidation reactions produce large

amounts of NADH, whose high-energy electrons are passed to the respiratory chain.

The respiratory chain then uses the energy derived from transporting electrons from

NADH to molecular oxygen to pump H + out of the matrix. This produces a large

electrochemical proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, composed

of contributions from both a membrane potential and a pH difference. This

electrochemical gradient exerts a force to drive H + back into the matrix. This proton-motive

force is harnessed both to produce ATP and for the selective transport of

metabolites across the inner mitochondrial membrane.



Having considered in general terms how a mitochondrion uses electron transport

to generate a proton-motive force, we now turn to the molecular mechanisms

that underlie this membrane-based energy-conversion process. In describing the

respiratory chain of mitochondria, we accomplish the larger purpose of explaining

how an electron-transport process can pump protons across a membrane. As

stated at the beginning of this chapter, mitochondria, chloroplasts, archaea, and

bacteria use very similar chemiosmotic mechanisms. In fact, these mechanisms

underlie the function of all living organisms—including anaerobes that derive all

their energy from electron transfers between two inorganic molecules, as we shall

see later.

We start with some of the basic principles on which all of these processes


The Redox Potential Is a Measure of Electron Affinities

In chemical reactions, any electrons removed from one molecule are always

passed to another, so that whenever one molecule is oxidized, another is reduced.

As with any other chemical reaction, the tendency of such redox reactions to

proceed spontaneously depends on the free-energy change (∆G) for the electron

transfer, which in turn depends on the relative affinities of the two molecules for


Because electron transfers provide most of the energy for life, it is worth taking

the time to understand them. As discussed in Chapter 2, acids donate protons

and bases accept them (see Panel 2–2, p. 93). Acids and bases exist in conjugate

acid–base pairs, in which the acid is readily converted into the base by the loss of a

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