Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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chaos at English Channel ports with truck drivers needing negative

‘Covid’ tests before they could board a ferry home for Christmas.

The government wanted to remove the backlog as fast as possible

and they brought in troops to do the ‘testing’. Out of 1,600 drivers

just 36 tested positive and the rest were given the all clear to cross

the Channel. I guess the authorities thought that 36 was the least

they could get away with without the unquestioning catching on.

The amplification trick which most people believed in the absence of

information in the mainstream applied more pressure on those

refusing the ‘vaccine’ to succumb when it ‘obviously worked’. The

truth was the exact opposite with deaths in care homes soaring with

the ‘vaccine’ and in Israel the term used was ‘skyrocket’. A reanalysis

of published data from the Israeli Health Ministry led by Dr

Hervé Seligmann at the Medicine Emerging Infectious and Tropical

Diseases at Aix-Marseille University found that Pfizer’s ‘Covid

vaccine’ killed ‘about 40 times more [elderly] people than the disease

itself would have killed’ during a five-week vaccination period and

260 times more younger people than would have died from the

‘virus’ even according to the manipulated ‘virus’ figures. Dr

Seligmann and his co-study author, Haim Yativ, declared a er

reviewing the Israeli ‘vaccine’ death data: ‘This is a new Holocaust.’

Then, in mid-April, 2021, a er vast numbers of people worldwide

had been ‘vaccinated’, the story changed with clear coordination.

The UK government began to prepare the ground for more future

lockdowns when Nuremberg-destined Boris Johnson told yet

another whopper. He said that cases had fallen because of lockdowns

not ‘vaccines’. Lockdowns are irrelevant when there is no ‘virus’ and

the test and fraudulent death certificates are deciding the number of

‘cases’ and ‘deaths’. Study a er study has shown that lockdowns

don’t work and instead kill and psychologically destroy people.

Meanwhile in the United States Anthony Fauci and Rochelle

Walensky, the ultra-Zionist head of the CDC, peddled the same line.

More lockdown was the answer and not the ‘vaccine’, a line repeated

on cue by the moron that is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Why all the hysteria to get everyone ‘vaccinated’ if lockdowns and

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