Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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important that the cell maintains a steep Ca 2+ gradient across its plasma membrane.

Ca 2+ transporters that actively pump Ca 2+ out of the cell help maintain the

gradient. One of these is a P-type Ca 2+ ATPase; the other is an antiporter (called

a Na + –Ca 2+ exchanger) that is driven by the Na + electrochemical gradient (discussed

in Chapter 15).

The Ca 2+ pump, or Ca 2+ ATPase, in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane

of skeletal muscle cells is a well-understood P-type transport ATPase. The

SR is a specialized type of endoplasmic reticulum that forms a network of tubular

sacs in the muscle cell cytoplasm, and it serves as an intracellular store of Ca 2+ .

When an action potential depolarizes the muscle cell plasma membrane, Ca 2+ is

released into the cytosol from the SR through Ca 2+ -release channels, stimulating

the muscle to contract (discussed in Chapters 15 and 16). The Ca 2+ pump, which

accounts for about 90% of the membrane protein of the SR, moves Ca 2+ from the

cytosol back into the SR. The endoplasmic reticulum of nonmuscle cells contains

a similar Ca 2+ pump, but in smaller quantities.

Enzymatic studies and analyses of the three-dimensional structures of transport

intermediates of the SR Ca 2+ pump and related pumps have revealed the

molecular mechanism of P-type transport ATPases in great detail. They all have

similar structures, containing 10 transmembrane α helices connected to three

cytosolic domains (Figure 11–13). In the Ca 2+ pump, amino acid side chains protruding

from the transmembrane helices form two centrally positioned binding

sites for Ca 2+ . As shown in Figure 11–14, in the pump’s ATP-bound nonphosphorylated

state, these binding sites are accessible only from the cytosolic side of the

SR membrane. Ca 2+ binding triggers a series of conformational changes that close

the passageway to the cytosol and activate a phosphotransfer reaction in which

the terminal phosphate of the ATP is transferred to an aspartate that is highly conserved

among all P-type ATPases. The ADP then dissociates and is replaced with

a fresh ATP, causing another conformational change that opens a passageway to

the SR lumen through which the two Ca 2+ ions exit. They are replaced by two H +

ions and a water molecule that stabilize the empty Ca 2+ -binding sites and close

the passageway to the SR lumen. Hydrolysis of the labile phosphoryl-aspartate

bond returns the pump to the initial conformation, and the cycle starts again. The

transient self-phosphorylation of the pump during its cycle is an essential characteristic

of all P-type pumps.

The Plasma Membrane Na + -K + Pump Establishes Na + and K +

Gradients Across the Plasma Membrane

The concentration of K + is typically 10–30 times higher inside cells than outside,

whereas the reverse is true of Na + (see Table 11–1, p. 598). A Na + -K + pump, or Na + -

K + ATPase, found in the plasma membrane of virtually all animal cells maintains



2Ca 2+


SR membrane











aspartic acid





Figure 11–13 The structure of the

sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca 2+ pump.

The ribbon model (left), derived from x-ray

crystallographic analyses, shows the pump

in its phosphorylated, ATP-bound state.

The three globular cytosolic domains of

the pump—the nucleotide-binding domain

(dark green), the activator domain (blue),

and the phosphorylation domain (red), also

shown schematically on the right—change

conformation dramatically during the

pumping cycle. These changes in turn alter

the arrangement of the transmembrane

helices, which allows the Ca 2+ to be

released from its binding cavity into the SR

lumen (Movie 11.3). (PDB code: 3B9B.)

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