Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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found that masks are harming children physically, psychologically,

and behaviourally with 24 health issues associated with mask

wearing. They include: shortness of breath (29.7%); dizziness

(26.4%); increased headaches (53%); difficulty concentrating (50%);

drowsiness or fatigue (37%); and malaise (42%). Nearly a third of

children experienced more sleep issues than before and a quarter

developed new fears. Researchers found health issues and other

impairments in 68 percent of masked children covering their faces

for an average of 4.5 hours a day. Hundreds of those taking part

experienced accelerated respiration, tightness in the chest, weakness,

and short-term impairment of consciousness. A reminder of what

Michie said again:

The benefits of getting primary school children to wear masks is that regardless of what little

degree of transmission is occurring in those age groups it could help normalise the practice.

Young children wearing masks may be more likely to get their families to accept masks.

Psychopaths in government and psychology now have children and

young people – plus all the adults – wearing masks for hours on end

while clueless teachers impose the will of the psychopaths on the

young they should be protecting. What the hell are parents doing?

Cult lab rats

We have some schools already imposing on students microchipped

buzzers that activate when they get ‘too close’ to their pals in the

way they do with lab rats. How apt. To the Cult and its brain-dead

servants our children are lab rats being conditioned to be

unquestioning, dehumanised slaves for the rest of their lives.

Children and young people are being weaned and frightened away

from the most natural human instincts including closeness and

touch. I have tracked in the books over the years how schools were

banning pupils from greeting each other with a hug and the whole

Cult-induced Me Too movement has terrified men and boys from a

relaxed and natural interaction with female friends and work

colleagues to the point where many men try never to be in a room

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