Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Neither would be self-aware enough to realise they were imitating

the Stasi which they might well never have heard of. Government

psychologists that I will expose later laid out a policy to turn

communities against each other in the same way.

A coincidence? Yep, and I can knit fog

I knew from the start of the alleged pandemic that this was a Cult

operation. It presented limitless potential to rapidly advance the Cult

agenda and exploit manipulated fear to demand that every man,

woman and child on the planet was ‘vaccinated’ in a process never

used on humans before which infuses self-replicating synthetic

material into human cells. Remember the plan to transform the

human body from a biological to a synthetic biological state. I’ll deal

with the ‘vaccine’ (that’s not actually a vaccine) when I focus on the

genetic agenda. Enough to say here that mass global ‘vaccination’

justified by this ‘new virus’ set alarms ringing a er 30 years of

tracking these people and their methods. The ‘Covid’ hoax officially

beginning in China was also a big red flag for reasons I will be

explaining. The agenda potential was so enormous that I could

dismiss any idea that the ‘virus’ appeared naturally. Major

happenings with major agenda implications never occur without

Cult involvement in making them happen. My questions were

twofold in early 2020 as the media began its campaign to induce

global fear and hysteria: Was this alleged infectious agent released

on purpose by the Cult or did it even exist at all? I then did what I

always do in these situations. I sat, observed and waited to see

where the evidence and information would take me. By March and

early April synchronicity was strongly – and ever more so since then

– pointing me in the direction of there is no ‘virus’. I went public on

that with derision even from swathes of the alternative media that

voiced a scenario that the Chinese government released the ‘virus’ in

league with Deep State elements in the United States from a toplevel

bio-lab in Wuhan where the ‘virus’ is said to have first

appeared. I looked at that possibility, but I didn’t buy it for several

reasons. Deaths from the ‘virus’ did not in any way match what they

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