Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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Figure 21–25 The role of genes of the Polycomb group. (A) Photograph of

a wild-type Drosophila embryo. (B) Photograph of a mutant embryo defective

for the gene Extra sex combs (Esc) and derived from a mother also lacking

this gene. The gene belongs to the Polycomb group. Essentially all segments

have been transformed to resemble the most posterior abdominal segment.

In the mutant, the pattern of expression of the homeotic selector genes,

which is roughly normal initially, is unstable in such a way that all these genes

soon become switched on all along the body axis. (From G. Struhl, Nature

293:36–41, 1981. With permission from Macmillan Publishers Ltd.)

wild type

no Polycomb activity

this axis in the egg (see Figure 21–17), and it then progresses through zygotic gene

products that further subdivide the D-V axis in the embryo.

Initially, a protein that is produced by follicle cells underneath the future ventral

region of the embryo leads to the localized activation of a transmembrane

receptor, called Toll, on the ventral side of the egg membrane. The various maternal

genes required for this process are called D-V egg-polarity genes. (Curiously,

Drosophila Toll and vertebrate Toll-like proteins also operate in innate immune

responses, as discussed in Chapter 24). The localized activation of Toll controls

the distribution of Dorsal, a transcription regulator of the NFκB family discussed

in Chapter 15. The Toll-regulated activity of Dorsal, like that of NFκB, depends on

the translocation of Dorsal from the cytosol, where it is held in an inactive form,

to the nucleus, where it regulates gene expression (see Figure 15–62). In the newly

laid egg, both Dorsal mRNA and protein are distributed uniformly in the cytosol.

After the nuclei in the syncytial blastoderm have migrated to the surface of the

embryo, but before cellularization (see Figure 21–15), Toll receptor activation on

the ventral side induces a remarkable redistribution of the Dorsal protein. On the

dorsal side, the protein remains in the cytosol, but ventrally it becomes concentrated

in the nuclei, with a smooth gradient of nuclear localization between these

two extremes (Figure 21–26).

Once inside the nucleus, the Dorsal protein acts as a morphogen and turns on

or off the expression of different sets of genes depending on Dorsal’s concentration.

The expression of each responding gene depends on its regulatory DNA—

specifically, on the number and affinity of the binding sites that this DNA contains

for Dorsal and other transcription regulators. In this way, the regulatory DNA

interprets the positional signal provided by the nuclear Dorsal protein gradient,

so as to define a D-V series of territories—distinctive bands of cells that run the

length of the embryo. Most ventrally—where the nuclear concentration of Dorsal

protein is highest—it switches on, for example, the expression of a gene called

Twist, which is specific for mesoderm. Most dorsally, where the nuclear concentration

of Dorsal protein is lowest, the cells switch on a gene called Decapentaplegic

(Dpp). And in an intermediate region, where the nuclear concentration of

Dorsal protein is high enough to repress Dpp but too low to activate Twist, the

cells switch on another set of genes, including one called Short gastrulation (Sog)

(Figure 21–27A).

Products of the genes directly regulated by the Dorsal protein generate in turn

more local signals, which define finer subdivisions along the D-V axis. These signals

act during cellularization and take the form of conventional extracellular

wild type ventralized dorsalized



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Figure 21–26 The concentration gradient

of Dorsal protein in the nuclei of the

blastoderm. In wild-type Drosophila

embryos, the protein is present in the

dorsal cytoplasm and absent from the

dorsal nuclei; ventrally, it is depleted in the

cytoplasm and concentrated in the nuclei.

In a mutant in which the Toll pathway is

activated everywhere and not just ventrally,

Dorsal protein is everywhere concentrated

in the nuclei; the result is a ventralized

embryo. Conversely, in a mutant in which

the Toll signaling pathway is inactivated,

Dorsal protein everywhere remains in the

cytoplasm and is absent from the nuclei;

the result is a dorsalized embryo. (From

S. Roth, D. Stein and C. Nüsslein-Volhard,

Cell 59:1189–1202, 1989. With permission

from Elsevier.)

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