Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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ATP synthase dimers




10 nm




Electron tomography suggests that the proton pumps of the respiratory chain

are located in the membrane regions at either side of the dimer rows. Protons

pumped into the crista space by these respiratory-chain complexes are thought

to diffuse very rapidly along the membrane surface, with the ATP synthase rows

creating a proton “sink” at the cristae tips (Figure 14–33). In vitro studies suggest

that the ATP synthase needs a proton MBoC6 gradient n14.316A/14.32 of about 2 pH units to produce ATP

at the rate required by the cell, irrespective of the membrane potential. The H +

gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane is only 0.5 to 0.6 pH units. The

cristae thus seem to work as proton traps that enable the ATP synthase to make

efficient use of the protons pumped out of the mitochondrial matrix. As we shall

see in the next section, this elaborate arrangement of membrane protein complexes

is absent in chloroplasts, where the H + gradient is much higher.

Figure 14–32 Dimers of mitochondrial

ATP synthase in cristae membranes.

(A) A three-dimensional map of a small

mitochondrion obtained by electron

microscope tomography shows that ATP

synthases form long paired rows along

cristae ridges. The outer membrane is

gray, the inner membrane and cristae

membranes have been colored light blue.

Each head of an ATP synthase is indicated

by a yellow sphere. (B) A three-dimensional

map of a mitochondrial ATP synthase

dimer in the crista membrane obtained

by subtomogram averaging, with fitted

x-ray structures (Movie 14.7). (A, from

K. Davies et al., Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA

108:14121–14126, 2011. With permission

from the National Academy of Sciences;

B, from K. Davies et al., Proc. Natl Acad.

Sci. USA 109:13602–13607, 2012.

With permission from the National

Academy of Sciences.)

Special Transport Proteins Exchange ATP and ADP Through the

Inner Membrane

Like all biological membranes, the inner mitochondrial membrane contains

numerous specific transport proteins that allow particular substances to pass

through. One of the most abundant of these is the ADP/ATP carrier protein (Figure

14–34). This carrier shuttles the ATP produced in the matrix through the inner

membrane to the intermembrane space, from where it diffuses through the outer

mitochondrial membrane to the cytosol. In exchange, ADP passes from the cytosol

into the matrix for recycling into ATP. ATP 4– has one more negative charge

than ADP 3– , and the exchange of ATP and ADP is driven by the electrochemical

gradient across the inner membrane, so that the more negatively charged ATP is

pushed out of the matrix, and the less negatively charged ADP is pulled in. The

ADP/ATP carrier is but one member of a mitochondrial carrier family: the inner





ATP synthase



Figure 14–33 ATP synthase dimers at

cristae ridges and ATP production. At the

crista ridges, the ATP synthases (yellow) form

a sink for protons (red). The proton pumps

of the electron-transport chain (green) are

located in the membrane regions on either

side of the crista. As illustrated, protons

tend to diffuse along the membrane from

their source to the proton sink created by

the ATP synthase. This allows efficient ATP

production despite the small H + gradient

between the cytosol and matrix. Red arrows

show the direction of the proton flow.

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