Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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1242 Chapter 22: Stem Cells and Tissue Renewal

megakaryocyte process

budding off platelets endothelial cell of sinus wall

lumen of blood sinus

red blood cell

Figure 22–29 A megakaryocyte among

other developing blood cells in the bone

marrow. The megakaryocyte’s enormous

size results from its having a highly

polyploid nucleus. One megakaryocyte

produces about 10,000 platelets, which

split off from long processes that extend

through holes in the walls of an adjacent

blood sinus.


blood cells




20 µm

Bone Marrow Contains Multipotent Hematopoietic Stem Cells,

Able to Give Rise to All Classes of Blood Cells

In the bone marrow, the developing blood cells and their precursors, including

the stem cells, are intermingled with one another, as well as with fat cells and

other stromal cells (connective-tissue cells), which produce a delicate supporting

meshwork of collagen fibers and other extracellular matrix components. In

addition, the whole tissue is richly supplied with thin-walled blood vessels, called

blood sinuses, into which the new blood cells are discharged. Megakaryocytes are

also present; these, unlike other blood cells, remain in the bone marrow when

mature and are one of its most striking features, being extraordinarily large (diameter

up to 60 μm) with a highly MBoC6 polyploid m23.40/22.29 nucleus. They normally lie close beside

blood sinuses, and they extend processes through holes in the endothelial lining

of these vessels; platelets pinch off from the processes and are swept away into the

blood (Figure 22–29 and Movie 22.4).

Because of the complex arrangement of the cells in bone marrow, it is difficult

to identify in ordinary tissue sections any but the immediate precursors of the

mature blood cells. There is no obvious visible characteristic by which we can recognize

the ultimate stem cells. In the case of hematopoiesis, the stem cells were

first identified by a functional assay that exploited the wandering lifestyle of blood

cells and their precursors.

When an animal is exposed to a large dose of x-rays, most of the hematopoietic

cells are destroyed and the animal dies within a few days as a result of its inability

to manufacture new blood cells. The animal can be saved, however, by a transfusion

of cells taken from the bone marrow of a healthy, immunologically compatible

donor. Among these cells there are some that can colonize the irradiated

host and permanently reequip it with hematopoietic tissue (Figure 22–30). Such

experiments prove that the marrow contains hematopoietic stem cells. They also

show how we can assay for the presence of hematopoietic stem cells and hence

discover the molecular features that distinguish them from other cells.

For this purpose, cells taken from bone marrow are sorted (using a fluorescence-activated

cell sorter) according to the surface antigens that they display,

and the different fractions are transfused back into irradiated mice. If a fraction

rescues an irradiated host mouse, it must contain hematopoietic stem cells. In this

way, it has been possible to show that the hematopoietic stem cells are characterized

by a specific combination of cell-surface proteins, and by appropriate sorting

we can obtain virtually pure stem-cell preparations. The stem cells turn out to be a

tiny fraction of the bone marrow population—about 1 cell in 50,000–100,000; but

this is enough. A single such cell injected into a host mouse with defective hematopoiesis

is sufficient to reconstitute its entire hematopoietic system, generating a

complete set of blood cell types, as well as fresh stem cells. This and other experiments

(using artificial lineage markers) show that the individual hematopoietic

stem cell is multipotent and can give rise to the complete range of blood cell types,

both myeloid and lymphoid, as well as to new stem cells like itself (Figure 22–31).

x-irradiation halts blood cell

production; mouse would die

if no further treatment were given



mouse survives; the injected stem

cells colonize its hematopoietic tissues

and generate a steady supply of

new blood cells

Figure 22–30 Rescue of an irradiated

mouse by a transfusion of bone marrow

cells. An essentially similar procedure is

used in the treatment of leukemia in human

patients by bone marrow transplantation.

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