Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morgan, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter by by Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, David Morg

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children are being given the ‘vaccine’ in trials (their parents are a

disgrace) and ever-younger people are being offered the vaccine for

a ‘virus’ that even if you believe it exists has virtually zero chance of

harming them. Horrific effects of the ‘trials’ on a 12-year-old girl

were revealed by a family member to be serious brain and gastric

problems that included a bowel obstruction and the inability to

swallow liquids or solids. She was unable to eat or drink without

throwing up, had extreme pain in her back, neck and abdomen, and

was paralysed from the waist down which stopped her urinating

unaided. When the girl was first taken to hospital doctors said it was

all in her mind. She was signed up for the ‘trial’ by her parents for

whom no words suffice. None of this ‘Covid vaccine’ insanity makes

any sense unless you see what the ‘vaccine’ really is – a bodychanger.

Synthetic biology or ‘SynBio’ is a fast-emerging and

expanding scientific discipline which includes everything from

genetic and molecular engineering to electrical and computer

engineering. Synthetic biology is defined in these ways:

• A multidisciplinary area of research that seeks to create new

biological parts, devices, and systems, or to redesign systems that

are already found in nature.

• The use of a mixture of physical engineering and genetic

engineering to create new (and therefore synthetic) life forms.

• An emerging field of research that aims to combine the

knowledge and methods of biology, engineering and related

disciplines in the design of chemically-synthesized DNA to create

organisms with novel or enhanced characteristics and traits

(synthetic organisms including humans).

We now have synthetic blood, skin, organs and limbs being

developed along with synthetic body parts produced by 3D printers.

These are all elements of the synthetic human programme and this

comment by Kurzweil’s co-founder of the Singularity University,

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